
10 Life Lessons My Mom Taught Me

Happy Mother's day to all the wonderful mothers in the world. Thank you for all that you do. This blog post is dedicated to a special woman in my life & that is my mom. My mom is such a wise woman. She has taught me so many things throughout my life & I thought to myself I should share this with all of you guys...

1) When someone is fighting with you just walk away. It's better to walk away then to say/do something because once you walk away it gives you time to defuse? (Do you say that? Hopefully you get what I'm saying)

2) Treat others like you want to be treated.
If you treat others with respect they will treat you the same.

3) Saying "Please & Thank You" Saying those 3 simple words is so easy & it shows people you appreciate what they do for you.

4) Not letting other people bring you down. You are worth more then what others lead you to believe.

5) If someone doesn't treat you with the respect you deserve you should cut them out of your life. (Goes with #4)

6) You don't have to dress in designer labels to look pretty.

7) You don't have to change the way you are for a boy to like you.

8) Never go to sleep angry at your significant other

9) You shouldn't be a people pleaser because people will always talk & they're never happy. If you're happy that's all that matters.
(I don't know if this makes any sense in English, but makes perfect sense in Spanish so just trust me here lol)

10) Family is very important. They will love you no matter what.

Well, that's it; I hope you enjoyed reading some of the life lessons my mom has taught me over the years.
What life lessons has your mom taught you over the years? I would love to hear about it in the comments below.

Don't forget to follow me on all my social medias that are listed in the right hand side. Come on click them & let's be friends.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: This has been the end of my Mother's day post series. I hope you enjoyed the posts. Blog post will now continue on to their regularly scheduled program. (Every Monday at 9am Central Daylight Time). Until next blog post


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