
How to create a good Instagram theme

For today's blog post I'm going to talk about my instagram feed and the theme.

This is what my feed currently looks like, so if you like this... keep reading:

Listen I'm going to keep this 100. Having an instagram theme is hard work. But boy oh boy does it look good.

First of all you have to pick a good filter... There are many filter accounts on instagram that post filters, but I like making my own. I like making my own because I like my pictures to have hummm I don't know how you say it, but I like then to look dark... you know low exposure.... grainy.

Here's the filter I currently use for my fall themed feed.

Ok, so now that you got your filter the hardest part is picking the pictures.

An app that I use that I totally recommend to organize your feed is an app called preview-plan your instagram. This app will help you see how your instagram would look before you upload each picture. You upload the picture there first and then you can move it around to where you see fit.

A tip for when picking pictures to add to your feed, is to make sure all the pictures have the same color. Or you know the same color in there. As you can see from the third line down... a color that is repeated the most is white.

Then notice how then on the 2 lines above this line the colors that are the same are yellow and orange. 

During the spring and summer time post stuff like this
During this time, the colors I choose are all in that same line. 

Notice how in line 2 the color that repeats itself is pink... then the same thing happens with line 4. Then line 1 & 3 have the same color in common... that's green.

I try to stick to a few colors then have them repeat themselves. Like in the picture above the pattern is green, pink, green, pink. 

I really hope I explaininf myself well. Lol I feel like I stink at explaining stuff sometimes. But if you don't understand I am more then happy to help you can tweet me or insta DM me. 

I guess this is really it. There's no secret to an instagram theme it's honestly kinda easy, but it can get stressful when you don't know what pictures to post sometimes. Lol. Anyways, hope this is somewhat helpful to you guys. If it was don't forget to share it with your friends and speaking of friends; don't forget to follow me on all my social medias. The link to everything is on the right hand side of this blog. :)


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