
Scary Halloween Costumes vs. Cute Costumes #Blogtober

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Hey guys! So, for this blog post I wanted to talk about scary vs cute costumes and kinda just talk; I haven't had a blog post like this in a while where I just sit and write what ever comes to mind so here we are lol.

Ever since I can remember I've NEVER NEVER EVER liked dressing up as something scary for Halloween. The scariest thing I dressed up as once was a bride lol I'm joking... it's a joke (no but I really dressed up as a bride once when I was a little girl)

When my parents asked me what I wanted to be for Halloween 100% of the times I was asked my answer would always be princess.

Ever since I was a little girl, I've always loved dressing up as a Princess on Halloween. And now as an adult I STILL love dressing up for Halloween as well you guessed it.... a princess. (Well, there was this one time I dressed up as little red riding hood in high school but that's because party city was all out of princess costumes for adults, I'm still pretty mad tbh)

It's absolutely no secret that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Disney Princess right... You can just tell by looking at me lol

I really don't know why I didn't like scary costumes as a kid or even now as an adult. I remember back to when I was a little girl, one of my cousins LOVE dressing up as scary things for Halloween and my little brain just couldn't understand why she'd pick a scary costume over being a princess. Like honestly who does that? Lol. (This is a joke, I know people can dress as what ever they want because duh it's Halloween and it's the time where you can be whatever you want, but I'm just saying this little disclaimer because I don't want people getting mad at me)

I just hope my future boyfriend/husband understands that when it's Halloween time and we have to dress up... I'm always the princess and he'll always be prince charming (or you know someone from the same story line). Haha

what's your go to category? (Is it a category? I don't know) but what I'm trying to say is if you dress up do you dress up in something cute? Scary? Or you know regular like not cute but not scary. Let me know in the comments below. Or if you don't dress up as an adult I would like to hear about what you liked dressing up as a kid.


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