
Patchology The Zen Master Soothe 5 Minute Sheet Mask Review

Hello everyone! Today's blog post is going to be a product review. As you can tell by the title the product we are going to be reviewing Patchology's "The Zen Master" FlashMasque Soothe 5 Minute Sheet Masks. 

Thank you so much to Poshly & Patchology for sending me these masks in exchange for my honest review. 

Wait... wait... you're asking what's poshly? It's an app (I use the app, but it's a website as well) where it asks you questions like for example "what are your skin concerns?" Then it has a bunch of answers; you can pick one or all the answers sometimes. After you've answered a few questions; these questions are personalizing items for you that will later pop up on the prize tab. But you got to be quick because items are sometimes gone in a blink of an eye.

Anyways, let's get on to the review shall we...

Here's the Patchology sheet masks that were sent to me.

This is the box it came in.

The box contains 4 sheet masks. A box like this would cost you about $30 at Ulta. But don't worry, they also sell these individually for $8. Click here if you want to buy. 

Patchology Says...
Stressed out skin? Take a chill pill with this soothing masque. Packed with natural anti-inflammatories, it mimics the Aloe Vera plant to de-puff irritated skin and calm redness on contact. Meanwhile, rosemary, sage, and lavender leave behind a protective barrier, which fights against free radicals long after your five-minute masque moment is up. We feel more zen already.

I am absolutely in LOVE with this brand since the first day I used it. I can see why everyone talks so highly of this brand. You can tell right away that they sell super high quality items.

*claps* product *claps* review *claps* time

Ok, so here's the details of the product. When you open up one of the packets you are hit with a light scent. I mention this because I know some people do not like when some products have a light scent. But the scent isn't really powerful it's almost non existent when your nose gets used to it.

When you reach inside the packet to grab the mask you can feel that the whole inside of the packet is drenched with serum (which is good). After you pull out the sheet mask you have to unfold it carefully since it is soaked in the serum.

Once you unfold the mask and set it on your face you can leave it on for 5 minutes or longer. Here's a little pro tip... Since the masks are expensive to get the most of it what I do is when I take off the mask I squeeze the mask to get all the left over serum out. And then I apply that to my face.

Then when the mask is semi dry I take the mask and wipe the remaining serum from inside the packet and squeeze out the serum from the mask again. Lol it may sound like a lot of work, but they're expensive so might as well get your penny's worth.

After I took off my mask and let the serum dry on my face. Oh my gosh! My skin felt super soft and it looked really refreshed/hydrated. I could definitely notice the difference after I used this mask.

I highly recommend these mask to those who have skin that just need a break. Like I said after I took off my mask (and let the serum absorb onto my skin) my face felt super soft and it looked really hydrated and refreshed.

Here's a picture of me enjoying my relaxing face mask. Haha

Final Thoughts:
I absolutely recommend these masks because you can see the difference in your skin right off bat. I know that some people don't have that much money to spend on things like this so that is why I recommend these as a "I want to splurge a little on my skin." I reckon if you give these a try you're going to be like "well, dang these masks are amazing and look at how well my skin looks." In my opinion I think that a mask that shows you results in the very first time you use it is definitely worth every penny.

Now I want to hear from you guys. Have you guys ever tried Patchology? If so, what item did you try and did you like it? Also, in the comments below I'd like to here which Patchology item you guys recommend.

Thanks again to Poshly & Patchology for sending me these masks for free in exchange for my honest review.

*even though these items were sent to me for free all opinions are my own 


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