
Lets talk about the kdrama Hellbound

Hey everyone, welcome back to another kdrama blog post. In this blog post we are going to be talking about the kdrama Hellbound.

As usual this post is going to contain spoilers so if you haven't seen it yet. Go watch and come back after you're done. 

Hellbound is a kdrama on Netflix that is 6 episodes long. Each episode is like almost 1 hour long. This kdrama was released on November 19, 2021. 

So first of all, this kdrama was so good. The only thing I hated from this is that the season should've been longer. There's no word yet if it's coming back for season 2, but I wish it did because there's so many questions left unanswered.

When I was watching the kdrama I really thought that those 3 rock monsters did appear to take you to hell if you sinned like how they were saying. Until, the scene were the detective's daughter killed the man who killed her mom and the leader was there to see. I was like surely the ghost face thing is going to come and tell her she's going to hell because she killed someone. But she didn't. That's when I started becoming a little sus if what they were saying was true. 

Then what really did it was when the leader told the police detective in that abandoned building that he also received the message saying he was going to hell in 20 years (he was young when he got it). 

This kdrama was filled with so much trill. Each episode kept you wanting more after each episode came to an end. You can easily binge watch the season in one sitting. 

But the last epiosde is going to have you like WHAT WAS THAT! Like how did that lady come back to life after being burned to nothing but bones. 

Also, the scene when they (the rock monsters) were about to kill the baby but the parents protected the baby and the baby lived. That scene also had me like WHAT! 

The person I hated in this kdrama was the neon streamer guy. Like towards the end where he pretends to be a nice guy by sheltering the parents and baby. Oh my gosh I was like is he serious when he just ratted them out like that because the new leader told him he was the Messiah and that apperently God picked him to go to hell to fox his mistake of sending the baby to hell. 

I'm glad the rock monsters got him in the end lol he was really annoying. 

Anyways, I hope they renew this kdrama for a new season. I NEED this kdrama to be renewed. Totally recommend this kdrama it's short but it was so good. 

Have you seen this kdrama? Let me know in the comments below. Or you can let me know on any of my social media. Link to everything is on the right hand side of this post if you are on desktop. If you're reading this on mobile keep scrolling down until you see the welcome. There you will find my social medias. Follow me so we can talk about kdramas :) 


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