
Six Flags Fright Fest Story Time

Hey everyone! Happy October. Since it's October I thought I'd do a little story time about the first time I went to six flags and it was fright fest.

Ok, so the story starts with a phone call from my uncle (my mom's brother). He called my mom and told her that he had extra tickets to go to six flags and that we were invited.

When I heard the news I was obviously excited to go because I have never been to six flags. I wish I could go back and tell myself what was going to happen because I was in for quite a scare.

Anyways, six flags day came and we went to my uncles house because we were going together. Fast forward to when we get there. Six flags was head to toe decorated for Halloween. They even dyed the little like fountain thing they had in front of the marry go round red to represent blood. We did a lot of walking around going on rides. My cousins went on so many roller-coasters, my cousin was trying to convince me to go on this roller coster called the demon and she was like "it's not scary or does it have many drops or anything. She said she's been on it various times before" but the thing is that my cousin tends to sometimes laugh a bit when she's telling lies so I KNEW it was going to be horrible.

But so she didn't think I was a scardy cat (which I was, but they'd never know that. But I have a feeling they knew cause the rides I went on weren't extreme) I offered to stay behind and hold everyone's stuff. But my parents and brothers did go on and according to them the ride had many sharp turns and your head bumped from side to side in your seat. They said it was horrible and I'm glad I missed out on that.

The day kept getting darker and I kept hearing my aunt and uncle talking about some monsters being let out soon. EXCUSE ME MONSTERS? NO ONE TOLD ME THERE'D BE MONSTERS! So the whole time after hearing that my heart started beating faster and faster. They got your girl STRESSING for real.

It was getting late and everyone was getting hungry so we went in one of the restaurants to eat. We all ordered spaghetti and it was the BEST spaghetti I had. That was until my aunt got a call from my uncle (he and my dad went back to the car for jackets cause I was getting cold). Guess what my uncle told my aunt? Yeah, yeah he told her that the monsters got released. I remember my aunt got off the phone and told my mom the monsters were released and when I heard that I swear I felt my heart drop to the floor.

Like I said I've never been so I didn't know what to expect. Where the monsters going to chase us and it was going to be like those zombie movies where you're running for your life? I couldn't even finish my delicious spaghetti in peace after I heard that. We left the restaurant and my senses were at an all time high. Poor me was so paranoid thinking the monsters were going to pop out of thin air.

Then we suddenly heard someone scream bloody murder from far away and I got even more scared. The monsters got her I thought. When I tell you I gripped my poor moms hand so tight after that, I probably cut her circulation off. 😭. We did some more walking and went to meet my uncle and dad.

We went on more rides still no monsters in sight. THANK GOD! but sadly that all changed when my uncle led us all to this place. The line was LONG LONG LONG. I kept thinking dang this ride must be amazing. We finally got in and guess what we were in line for? A FREAKING MAZE where there was a scare around almost every corner 😭😭😭. The amount of almost heart attacks I had I can't even count in one hand. And again I kept gripping onto my moms arm like there was no tomorrow. I remember saying over and over to my mom "porque no se buscan un trabajo en vez de asustar a la gente" as tears streamed down my face (why don't they find a job instead of scaring people). Little me thought they did this for fun of course this was their job lmao!!!

So I thought that was the end right? Nope, the maze finished and it's like it led you to even MORE monsters. We walked around some more and I got so distracted watching other people get scared that I let my guard down. And I think they sensed that because I remember a clown coming towards me. I saw him and started backing up. I backed up not looking back and I didn't realize there was ANOTHER monster behind me. I think they were probably a team and wanted to double scare me. But since I didn't see him I accidentally stepped on his shoe and hit him in the stomach with my elbow as I was turning around. All I heard was a muffled grunt. I ran so fast after that if you saw me you'd probably think you saw the flash 😂😂. I like to think of that as revenge for all the scares I got that day lol. I can laugh about this now but I was really scared in the moment. 😂😂😂

Moral of the story. Six flags is scary around September and October so go at your own discretion.

Now when I hear commercials about six flags fright fest I laugh and remember when I hit the clown in the stomach 😂😂😂.


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