
Top 10 saddest movies + saddest Moments

Do you ever feel sad and you watch a sad movie for the soul purpose of crying? No? just me? haha *nervous laughter*.

Yesterday, I was feeling pretty sad for no reason. You know like suddenly a wave of sadness just washed over me and I just wanted to cry. But instead of crying (well I did cry cause I had to look for the videos of these sad moments but we're just gonna pretend I didn't cry haha) I compiled a list of the top 10 movies that for sure 100% make me cry. They are in no paticular order I just wrote them down as they came to mind. So grab your tissues and let's get started....

Hachi: A Dog's Tale
Wow this movie is an absolute roller-coaster of emotions. First of all puppy Hachiko SO CUTE! The part that always gets me the most is when Hachi doesn't understand that Parker is dead and keeps waiting for him for years. The other part that gets me is when Hachi passes away.

Hachi: A Dog's Tale Sad moment

The Fox and the Hound 
I don't even have to explain what scene makes me cry cause we all know which one it is. I'm just gonna show you. And I'm warning you know bring your tissues.

The Fox and the Hound Sad Moment

Marley and Me
People who know me warned me not to watch this movie. They said "Jessica don't watch it" but what did I do, I went home and watched it. And oh boy I wish I listend. This movie made me Kim Kardashian ugly cry. The part where it gets me is when they have to put Marley down. I think this makes me think about my own dog and how she's getting older. Makes me sad just thinking that one day I'm not gonna have her anymore and it scares me.

Marley and Me sad moments 

A Dog's purpose 
I remember when I saw the trailer for this movie on tv and I kid you not I cried EVERY single time it was aired. When I finally saw the movie my heart wasn't shattered not once, not twice, but five times! YES FIVE times! In my opinion, the movie was beautifully made. Some of the parts that get me are as follows: when Ethan was going to college and he throws the football to Bailey and he gets in his car and drives off. When Bailey says something along the lines of "We're playing fetch, it's been so long since we played" I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. Also, when Bailey is at the vet and Ethan's grandpa says that he's gonna call Ethan and then Bailey was like "Ethan's here where is he I can't smell him" and the other part when just as he (Bailey) is just about to pass away he says something along the lines of he didn't wanna leave Ethan feeling sad because his job was to always make him feel happy. I was such an emotional mess after the movie ended.

A dog's purpose sad moments 

The Fault in our stars 
This movie had so many good scenes that o don't even know which one. Some of the scenes that get me is when Hazel tells Gus she's a grenade & she doesn't want to fall in love with him cause she doesn't want to hurt him. Another favorite moment is when Hazel and Gus are having dinner and... well just see for yourself haha below are the 2 moments I was talking about...

The fault in our stars sad moments

Toy Story 2 & 3
For Toy Story 2 there's a song where Jesse is looking out the window and starts to sing about her old owner. And I don't know but that scene is so beautiful just watching how her owner grew up and Jesse was forgotten. That scene always brings me to tears. 

Toy Story 3... ohhh man I remembered seeing this in theaters and trying not to cry, but crying so hard my face felt numb. You know which scene I'm talking about... The one where Woody waves good bye to Andy. 

Toy Story 2 sad moment

Toy Story 3 sad moment

Inside Out
"Take her to the moon for me" not even gonna explain it.

Inside Out sad moment

The scene where Max goes to the coffin of his dead owner, cries & lays down next to it. Ohhh do you hear that? That's the sound of me crying like a little baby.

Max sad moment

This is in my list of THE BEST movies I've seen. It captured my cultures tradition so perfectly! Loved it. This movie reminded me of my grandma who passed away. I was like I wonder if this is what actually happens, I wonder if my grandma is reunited with her husband who died sooner then she (cancer). I guess maybe that's why I cried so much throughout the movie.

Coco sad moments

Have you seen any of these movies? If so which one was it? Also, if you enjoyed this don't & want a part 2 let me know in the comments below as well. Goodbye. Take care. Stay hydrated ♡


  1. My kids LOVE Coco! I think we must have watched it a 100 times past month. Lol.


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