
My experience with the Bath and body Works candle day Sale + Mini Haul

Hey everyone! So I thought for todays blog post I'd talk about my experience going to Bath & Body Works' Candle Day Sale for the first time. Ok, so first of all, I don't even know how I didn't know about this sale to start with. Just in case you're like me and didn't know about this sale; this is when bath & body works has their 3 wick candles, you know the ones that normally sell for $25... You know the ones that you always smell when you go but then you look at the price and are like "woah it's not that nice anymore"

That day (Dec 1) they sold them for $8.95. GIRL NO you don't need to get your glasses on..  they sold them for 8.95 and THEY HAD NO LIMIT. You could buy any amount of candles your wallet could afford.

I was scrolling on my instagram feed as one usually does when I saw a post from bath and body works. I don't remember which post it was but I had asked a question on a post and I was looking to see if maybe someone had previously asked that question before and it was already answered. So anyways, I was looking at the comments and I was noticing how people where commenting about the candle day sale and how the candles were going to be $9 on Dec 1. When I read that I was like "what? There's NO way the $25 candles are going to go for $9. That's crazy"

Before you know it Dec 1 comes around and guess where I was headed to? That's right Bath and Body Works. I thought, you know while I'm at the mall might as well do some Christmas shopping right. BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER! As I was going down the escalator I saw the BIGGEST line I've ever seen. I was like "Holy Shit."

So as the noob I was I thought that was the line to go in the store. So I stood there a while. Looked around and saw everyone in line had candles in their baskets. Once it registered in my brain that that wasn't the line to go in, I got out and decided to ask. She assured me that the line was just to pay and that I could go in the store.

I go inside the store and I kid you not so many people were packed into the store it seemed as if they were giving everything away and you could get anything you wanted. I deeply regret doing Christmas shopping before because I couldn't smell any candles good because I was holding my basket and I was holding my bag, and oh it was chaos.

If you know me, you'd know that I don't do very well with crowds. Everytime I'm in a huge crowd, my heart started heating 10x as fast, I can't breathe well and I start breathing really heavy, I feel like I'm going to faint and I get really hot. So being in there was triggering me.

I was feeling super sick and I felt as if the room was getting smaller and smaller, so that's why I want to apologize for not taking any video or pictures of the lines and what it looked like in the store. Plus, my hands were full with other bags.

Anyways, I grabbed my stuff and my mom grabbed her stuff (she got two candles & a candle holder)

Then since this was my first time attending the candle day sale I didn't know what to do. I was like... do I just walk outside? With my basket? What if they think I'm trying to steal stuff? So I peak outside to see how the line was doing and a worker saw me, she said "don't worry the lines moving" and laughed. I was like "ok thank you" and I walked out and got in line.

The part where it started getting messy was when you were going to pay. Ok, so there was this lady between the cashiers and she would divide the huge line into two (going like you go here and you go there kinda stuff). Ok, so the huge line started to go into two smaller lines. But but here's when it starts to get "messy". They had a lady on a separate table who would do credit cards only.

That lady had a helper who would go into the line closest to the table and say "are you paying with cash or credit card" if you said credit card you got to go into that table line. The people started going to the credit card only line and when they got there they were like "oh I'm paying with cash" and the lady helper of the credit card line was like ok go here and let them cut the line ahead of everyone else. I kid you not I was in line for almost an hour because people kept on doing this crap.

What they should've done was have the credit card only option be outside the store and have asked the people if they were paying with cash or credit and if they were paying with credit then they got out of the line and followed the helper to the lady at the credit card table. Then went back and grab more people who were paying with credit.

Other then that, I thought it was a great sale and I'm proud of myself for not freaking out and completely leaving the store due to too many people.

So here's what everyone is waiting for. My mini haul. Like I said, I was doing Christmas shopping and had bags plus, there was too many people to even smell the stuff "comfortably" without being asked to move every three seconds.

The scents I got are:

  • Winter Candy Apple
  • Autumn 
  • Chestnut & Clove

Here's a close up of each candle plus the details on the bottom.

I haven't burned them yet but they do smell amazing when I take off the lid. ♡__♡ My favorites just by smelling them without the lids are:

-Winter Candy Apple
-Chestnut & Clove 

Final Thoughts:
I think this is a great sale & I would definitely go again in the near future. Also, here's a quick "pro tip" have coupons! Especially if it's the one like 20% off or the blank amount of money off blank. Even the get an item free if you spend a certain amount. Coupons are a life saver. 

Have you gone to Bath & Body Works Candle day sale? If so how was your experience? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below. Also, while you're down there leave me the names of your favorite bath and body works candles. You know for in the future ^-^ 

Bye, take care ♡


  1. I participated in Candle Day for the first time this year as well! I didn't know about it until late November :o To think I bought six candles last year... I bought them on sale for about $13 each I think, but that wasn't as great of a steal as $9!! I still have those six candles burned to various degrees, but this year I bought two more to add to my collection, which were maple cinnamon pancakes and vanilla bean noel :) Thankfully my mall wasn't super crazy and I managed to come out unscathed! I had considered participating in Candle Day online because I was worried that the mall would be too chaotic, but I had read online that because Candle Day is so crazy, the website isn't reliable on Candle Day and sometimes doesn't process your order. So I decided not to risk it :P My current favourite candle is vanilla snowflake, which I bought last year! Vanilla bean noel smelled similar, so that's why I bought it this year, but I haven't burned it yet! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

    1. Hi! Yeah me too I was considering buying my candles online, but I didn't wanna risk them coming broken. And thanks for the candle suggestions definitely will check them out for next time :)


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