
You're never going to believe what they stole from me (Story Time)

*claps hands*
Boy oh boy do I have a story to tell you guys.

Ok, so story starts yesterday when my family woke up and decided to go to the laundry mat to wash all our bed stuff (you know stuff like pillows, sheets, blankets, comforters etc) because we can't wash those at home because "they get to heavy and the home washer can break" so anyways...

My dad had to do something else so he left my mom and I at the laundry mat. Ok, so we found 4 washers that were close together and added our stuff. After the they finished washing we had to take our stuff in our basket because there wasn't enough carts to the dryers.

Well, anyways as we were taking our stuff to the dryers  a freaking thief came and opened the washer that we had our stuff in and STOLE from us. That's right someone opened the washer and STOLE from us. You wanna know what they stole... you're not even going to believe me... you know how I mentioned we only went to wash our bed stuff...


The thief stole a freaking pillow. Thats right... a PILLOW!

I won't get into the details as to how/when I noticed it was gone because well, you probably guessed it I noticed it was gone when I didn't see it when we were folding.

But I still can't freaking believe someone stole a pillow. Like I know sometimes money is tight for some people but I mean COME ON! The cheapest pillows at Walmart cost $3.

And I know you're probably reading this and thinking "it's just a pillow, get over it". Here's what makes me so mad about my pillow being stolen.

First, that it was kinda expensive. Secondly, what makes me super mad is that someone would open something... that's not theirs... touch your belongings and think it was OK to steal.

How did they know that maybe I didn't have lice? Or some other illness? Like I don't know, I just don't get how someone could just grab someone's pillow that's been covered in sweat and drool and steal it for themselves.

Ok, so that's the story of how I slept on a new pillow yesterday lol. I know this story was probably kinda lame but I just wanted to share this and I don't know maybe raise awareness cause who knows maybe a sick freak can steal your underwear. So be careful!


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