
My Most Memorable Christmas Ever

My most memorable Christmas would have to be when I was a little girl. My parents always made Christmas so beautiful for me when I was little, I guess that's why I love this time of year.

Ok, so...
Growing up we were always told that Santa came down the chimney right? Haha well, my parents told me he did, but he also had a magic key that opened house doors all around the world. This made scene to me as a child because growing up none of the houses we lived in had chimneys lol.

The first memorable moment was when I heard Santa knocking on my door. YES, Santa knocked on my door. I'm still shook about that. So, my family and I were opening gifts when all of a sudden someone knocked on the door. We went to open the door because since we live in an apparent we thought it was maybe one of my uncles who came to wish us a Merry Christmas.

We opened the door and standing in the doorway was a HUGE brown box for me. I stood there eyes wide. We took the box inside and it was exactly what I asked Santa for.

To this day I STILL don't know how the box got there. I'm serious. I didn't hear anyone going up the stairs nor did I hear anyone get out the house so the only logical expiation has to be Santa. He probably went invisible as soon as we opened the door. Because you know you can't see Santa or else he won't leave you gifts.

My second most memorable Christmas memory was when I was a child as well. Ok, so when I was little I was super obsessed with Disney Princesses (still am lol ) and that year I had asked Santa to bring me the Cinderella movie on tape. Later that night when it was time to open gifts my parents told me that it was time for Santa to bring me my gift.

The way Santa would bring me my gift was that my mom, me and my dad had to get up hold hands and look at the tree. Once we did that I had to close my eyes and wish really hard for what I asked Santa for.
So I closed my little eyes and wished super hard for the Cinderella movie. Then I heard my mom gasp really loud and go omg so I quickly turned around and on the table I saw the Cinderella movie.

Well, yeah those are my two absolute favorite memories that I will keep in my heart until I die. I'm so thankful that my parents made Christmas really memorable for me. Hopefully if I can one day I can do that as well.

Thank you so much for reading my blog post. In the comments below I want to hear your most memorable Christmas memory. Or you can tweet me or message me on any of my social medias. Link to everything is on the right hand side of this blog


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