
Simple and Cheap Christmas DIYs

Hey friends! For todays blog we're going to do two simple & cheap are these called center pieces? DIYs just in time for decorating for christmas.

*All the supplies were purchased at Dollar Tree (aka the dollar store)*

What you're going to need for this first DIY is

         Mini or Big Christmas Ornaments

Ribbon, Battery operated candle, Wine glass

 What you're going to do first is take the wine glass & flip it. Once you've done so take the ribbon and tie a bow on the bottom part of the glass. 

 I had left over ribbon so what I did was, that I tied the bottom in a knot so the ornaments I put in there will not fall out if this decoration is picked up.

 Second step is to place the ornament inside the wine glass. This is the part when you also decide if the ornament will be big or small. 

Lastly you just put the battery operated candle on top of the wine glass and ta da. Your finished product should look something like this.

Or it may look like this if you decided to put the mini ornaments inside the wine glass.

DIY price:
Wine glass: $1
Roll of ribbon: $1
Mini ornaments: $1
Big ornaments: $1
Battery operated candle: $1

Total price: $4

The second DIY is also very easy to make as well. What you need for this DIY is the following...

Mini Christmas ornaments
(For this DIY I purchased 2 sets of 12 mini ornaments)

A vase of some sort 

A battery operated candle

What you're going to do first is take all your mini ornaments and place them inside the vase. Make sure you leave room for the battery operated candle.

Lastly, you place the battery operated candle inside and ta da! Your finished product should look like this.

DIY price:
2 sets of 12 mini ornaments: $2
Vase: $1
Battery operated candle: $1

*Total price: $4

*total price may vary depending on the size of the vase you pick. The bigger the vase the more mini ornaments you're going to need. The smaller the vase the less mini ornaments you need.

If you guys decide to make these (or put your own lil touch on these DIYs) I would love to see pictures. You can tag me on instagram or tweet me pictures. Also if you guys want to see more DIYs in the future you can tell me so in the comments or tweet me what you want to see.

Bye! Love you ♡


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