
Top 10 tips for a Stress free Christmas shopping Experience

Hey everyone! welcome back! so today I'm going to be showing you guys some tips for a stress free Christmas shopping experience.

So grab a pen and paper cause we're starting off the tips.


1. Start shopping early. If you start shopping early the stress of having to pick out gifts will lower by a lot.

2. Listen to the hints the person who your buying gifts for drops. They come in pretty helpful at times

3. Have a Christmas shopping plan... where will you shop?
when will you shop?

4. Take advantage of sales. Most stores start having sales around November (around thanksgiving time) and they have a lot of good things at a low price.

5. As much as you want to... DO NOT go Christmas shopping in your favorite store. Because you're going to want to buy stuff for yourself.
If you really need to go to this certain store try not to go down your favorite aisle.

6. DIY some gifts. Sometimes gifts that come from the heart mean more then any store bought gift.

7. Buy all your less expensive gifts first. According to some people if you buy all your less expensive gifts first you're going to save money because you'll become more benevolent when you see a low price tag

8. Buy gifts for important people first... ok, so what I mean by this is buy gifts for people that you know you're going to see on a Christmas day. Let's say you need to buy gifts for your friend and your mom, but you don't see your friend until a week after Christmas... buy your mom's gift first.

9. Make list... grab a pen and paper or open up your notes app on your phone and just write who you're buying gifts for and what you could gift them.

10. Look online for gift ideas. If you're really stumped on what to get someone for Christmas there's always really nice gift guides online.

So that's it for today's blog post. Hope it was somewhat helpful :).

Tell me in the comments below what do you guys do to help reduce the stress during a Christmas shopping?


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