
Love Island 2020 Winter Edition Casa Amor Predictions

Hey guys, welcome back to my blog! It's that time again when I become addicted to my favorite British television, Love Island. This year they decided to do a winter season and Casa Amor is already around the corner.
Just in case you don't know what Casa Amor is it's when either the boys or girls head to a different villa and are introduced to new islanders... To make this easier lets just say for instance the girls head to the different villa and there they will be introduced to new boys while the boys stay at the current villa and there they will be introduced to new girls.

After the wait is over the islanders then have to make a decision to either recouple or stay loyal and stay with their current partner. This is the time where there's usually plenty of drama.

So here's my predictions on what is going to happen in this Love Island 2020 winter edition of casa amor...

Callum & Shaughna

I feel like Shaughna isn't going to have a problem staying loyal because she seems super into Callum. Also, she has said various amount of times (ever since Connor left the villa) that if Callum was the one that went she wouldn't hesitate to leave the villa with him...

Callum on the other hand I feel is going to have a problem staying loyal and is going to end up having his head turned. I think it's going to be another Amy and Curtis situation all over again. Remember when Curtis was going to stay loyal to Amy, but then he didn't, well I feel like this is going to happen again and Callum is going to end up bringing someone back and Shaughna is going to be so heart broken.

Nas & Demi

here's everyone favorite couple Nas and Demi..Ok, so here's what I'm thinking. I feel like Nas might explore his options a bit in Casa Amor and might just bring someone back.

(ahh don't kill me)

Demi is going to possibly think some of the new guys are cute but won't bring anyone back. She seems way to into Nas to dump him like that.

Finley & Paige

I feel like Paige is going to be so worried wondering what Finely is doing and thinking he's going to recouple... I don't think shes going to bring someone back from Casa Amor.

Finley is also going to stay loyal to Paige and when they're around the fire place Paige is going to cry and she's going to be like "I thought you were going to recouple"

Luke T & Siannise

with out a doubt these two are going to stay loyal to one another. They look so in love and happy with one another I don't think they will have their heads turned in Casa Amor.

Luke M & Jess

Justin Bieber is... oh wait.. I mean Luke is definitely going to have his head turned. They were ok but ever since Mike confessed to having feelings for Jess... things between Luke M and Jess have been rough. Luke M will for sure bring someone back from Casa Amor.

Jess will find the guys in casa amor cute, but I think during her time in Casa Amor she's going to realize she likes Mike alot more than Luke M and she's going to stay loyal but loyal to Mike.

Mike & Sophie

These two are definietly going to bring someone back from Casa Amor. End of story.

I wrote this post on (2/1/20) and I am assuming Rebecca and Wallace who are up for elimination are going to get eliminated on (2/2/20)... Here's why I think they are the ones getting eliminated:

Mike & Sophie and Luke M and Jess won't go because they have drama right now and drama equals views. I don't think the love island gods will let either one of these go because they want people to stay for the drama.

Siannise and Luke T won't go because everyone is loving them at the moment and they're cute AF. 

Wallace and Rebecca are kinda dry as a couple. They don't bring anything to the show (you know drama or anything cute). The only drama these two have had was over Wallace making Rebecca avocado toast and she totally went off on him like he killed her family. OVER AVOCADO!

EDIT 2/2/20:
The people eliminated on Sunday February 2 were Wallace & Sophie. Which means they will NOT be entering Casa Amor. Mike, Rebecca, Siannise, Luke T, Luke M and Jess were all safe and will be entering Casa Amor with the rest of the islanders.

Ok, so since I didn't write a prediction for Rebecca (cause I assumed she would be going home but that wasn't the case) I'm going to do so now...

Obviously Rebecca is going to bring someone back from Casa Amor since she is currently single... Let's just hope she doesn't freak out over avocado on her toast again 

What do you guys think? Who do you guys feel like is going to stay loyal and who might switch partners and couple up with someone else. Let me know in the comments below or on twitter. Follow me and lets chat love island. I also live tweet the show so if you don't have anyone to talk to about the show I'm here and could chat love island all day and night hahah.


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