
Let's talk about Love Alarm Kdrama

So I just finished Love Alarm and I just NEED to talk to people about some of the things that happened in the drama. Just in case you don't know Love Alarm is a Kdrama that's on Netflix that is only 8 episodes long. 

I thought it was good. The only complaint I have is that I wish it would've been longer because there was so many questions left unanswered. Like the freaking ending. But with that being said if you have plans on watching this Kdrama and don't like spoilers I suggest you STOP reading now because this post is going to contain spoilers.

You know that scene where Gul-mi is streaming about her clothes and she started getting comments about how her stream was boring and she should take off her clothes. Did you guys see her webcam light go from like a white color to red. I have a feeling that someone hacked her webcam to spy on her when she's not on stream. 

Then later in that same scene when Gul-Mi is crying saying she just wanted to be part of the club and meet the creator of Love Alarm we see that one user is sending her a bunch of donations. I feel like this is probably that Brain guy who we saw at the end of the drama (the supposed creator of love alarm). Ok, hear me out... at first I thought that maybe it was Duk Gu since you know he loved Gul Mi but we were never shown that Duk Gu had money. 

I know that maybe this is a long shot but I think that maybe this Brian guy had already been stalking Duk Gu for a while and probably had a clue that he was the creator of Love Alarm so he hacked Duk Gu and when he was looking through his computer he saw things about Gul-Mi and then that's when he also hacked her webcam and donated all that money to her to kinda gain her trust. 

Speaking of Duk Gu... I feel like he didn't die when he jumped out the window like we were lead to believe. At first I thought that maybe Duk Gu had sold the love alarm app (and his whole life story) to that Brian guy which then lead me to believe that the reason Duk Gu sold the app was that he  couldn't handle that a bunch of people killed themselves because of the app. 

But I'm kinda iffy about the him selling the app because remember that in the last episode where everyone is going to the Love Alarm 2.0 press conference thing?? Then the Anti Love Alarm group comes and trys to destroy the event. We see someone in the Anti Love Alarm van talking through a megaphone but we only see their lips. They look a lot like Duk Gu's lips. I think that maybe after jumping out the window he joined the anti love alarm group. 

What I want to know tho is WHY DID HE JUMP OUT THE WINDOW! Was it because he couldn't handle all those deaths that happened because of the app? Was it because of Gul-Mi? Did he get hacked and they steal his identity. I feel like maybe they did hack Duk Gu's computer and stole his identity that's why he joined the anti love alarm group. 

What pissed me off was how they ended the season of this drama. Like what the hell was that! You mean to tell me I sat through an hour almost of the last episode just to have Jojo, Sun oh and Hye yeong all staring at each other and not saying anything. That scene made me so mad because nothing really happened that contributed to the story. 

What I would've done if I wrote this drama was have Jojo run after a while of just staring at both of them. She runs into the womens bathroom and Jang Go runs after her and follows her into the bathroom. Jang Go notices Jojo with her hands on her face crying. She kneels down next to her and says what she heard when she saw Sun Oh talking to Hye Yeong. She then says "you know they both love you. Especially Sun Oh." Jang Go then goes on to say that she really loves Sun Oh but she knows he doesn't love her back so she's going to let him go. Then Jojo is like but his love alarm isn't going to ring because then she shows her the shield on her phone and Jang Go is like what's that? So Jojo explains that the creator of Love Alarm can only take it off and then Jang Go is like the creator of Love Alarm? I know him. So she takes Jojo to see the creator of Love Alarm but when they get there Jojo sees that it's not Duk Gu and she's like you're not the creator of Love Alarm 

So speaking of the creator of Love Alarm I saw this one video on tiktok that was like what is Hye Yeong is the creator of Love Alarm. Here's the reasons that they gave... they gave the example of him being able to enter the private event without an invitation. Next proof they gave was that Hye Yeong strated dressing better. Like that one scene where he and his mom were buying a tux for him. Then someone in their comments was like I don't think Hye Yeong is the creator of Love Alarm because when Jojo, Sun oh and himself were all staring at each other in the hall the creator of Love Alarm was already on stage. The person who made the video was like but what if they hired a stand in person who would take his place as the face of love alarm. 

Here's what I think. I think Hye Yeong was able to get in the event without an invitation was that he just snuck in. There was probably no security guarding the door because they were all busy with the anti lI've alarm group so he was just able to waltz right in. Secondly, I think the reason Hye Yeong was able to start dressing nicer was because he got a high paying job that was farther away from where he was living with his mom. 

So that's it for todays blog post. In the comments below let me know if you've also seen this Kdrama and what you thought of it. Or you can message me on any of my social medias link to everything is on the bottom if you're reading this on mobile. (keep scrolling down until you see the "welcome" and they're right under that) if you're reading this on desktop everything is on the right hand side of this blog. 


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