
Love Island UK Season 7 Episodes 23 + 24 Recap

Hello and welcome back to another Love Island UK recap post. Today we will be talking about what happened in tonight's episode (episode 23 + 24) as well as some predictions for the next episode. Ok... let's get this recap going.

Episode 23:

  • Toby approaches Kaz & Liberty and says you two think you can just pie me and get away with it.

  • Toby starts to stutter a little bit when talking to Kaz. She laughs a little and says don’t stutter say things with your chest. Toby complains to Kaz about how she pied him during the challenge. Saying you pied me in my ear and my eye. Kaz says yeah cause you ducked because you didn’t take it like a man. He goes on to say that he didn’t like how Kaz even picked the pie off the floor and threw it at him. Liberty interrupts and says you pied my girl I’m going to pie you twice as hard. Toby gets mad and says when did I pie you? Kaz says well you did lie to me

  • It gets awkward so Liberty gets up and leaves

  • Kaz and Toby are left taking and Kaz says you know what at the end of the day it is what it is you was disrespectful. Toby acts confused and says if I go back… I don’t think I have any regrets. Kaz is shocked and says REAAALLLYY?

  • Kaz and Toby continue to talk. Which leads to an argument because Toby doesn’t see any problem in how he treated Kaz because apparently it needed to happen. Kaz explains you need to disrespect me so you can meet Chloe? You could’ve been respectful to me and still gotten to know Chloe. Kaz gets up and walks away.

  • Kaz talks to Faye on the terrace and tells her everything about her conversation with Toby.

  • Faye goes and tells AJ and Liberty what happened with Kaz. Saying Toby handled things like “an absolute pussy”

  • Toby hears Faye and says speak to me face to face why is she… why is she… why is she saying it like that though speak to me face to face

  • Faye and Toby have a shouting match back and forth from the villa. Faye saying that he handled things like a pussy and Toby saying if you have a problem with me pull me for a chat. Faye says I was just saying that you handled things like a pussy. It’s just a comment get over it

  • Toby goes to Kaz and asks if they can have a chat with them and she said no

  • Toby talks with Liberty. Before Toby starts talking he tells Liberty that whatever she has to say to say it now. Liberty goes on to tell Toby that Kaz is her girl and that she cares for her feelings so if anything happens with her she’s going to jump in and defend her. Toby talks to Liberty and realizes that he’s made a mistake. Toby continues to use the “I don’t know how to talk to girls” excuse because apparently this is all new to him.

  • Danny brings AJ Coffee and says he made it with love for her

  • Liberty tells the girls about her night with Jake

  • Faye gets a text that she and Teddy are going on a date

  • Faye and Teddy go on a date. They go bike riding.

  • After bike riding Faye and Teddy stop for drinks

  • Toby goes and ask Kaz if they can pull her for a chat. Kaz says if they can chat later and Toby says when ever she’s ready

  • Teddy and Faye get back from their date and they separate like they usually do and Faye tells the girls about the date and Teddy tells the boys about his date

  • Jake gets a text about a party

  • Hugo ends things with AJ and says she should go to Danny because it would be selfish of him to just string her along when he wasn’t feeling it

  • Danny and AJ talk and she tells him what Hugo told her. She tells Danny that she likes Hugo but she feels like she’s doing all the grafting on him and he never grafted her. They also talk about the kiss during the game and Danny asked do you want to do it again and she giggles and they kiss

  • Faye gets a text and says that all the Islanders have to gather around the fire pit

  • Hugo gets a text saying that the public have been voting for their favorite boy and their favorite girl. Those with the fewest votes are at risk to being dumped from the island tonight

  • Teddy gets a text about the three girls with the fewest votes and they are:
  • Lucinda 
  • Chloe
  • AJ

  • Kaz gets a text about the three boys with the fewest votes and they are:
  • Teddy
  • Danny
  • Toby

  • Lucinda gets a text and that is about how only one boy and one girl can go home and that decision is going to be made by the other Islanders

Episode 24:

  • Millie gets a text that says Millie, Liberty, Kaz and Faye you must decide which boy to dump from the island

  • Aaron gets a text that says Aaron, Liam, Jake, Hugo you must decide which girl to dump from the island

  • The Islanders are making their decision

  • The boys pick:

  • The girls pick:

  • Hugo gets a text

  • new Islanders enter the villa

  • The Islanders greets the new arrivals

  • Toby asks the new guy how tall he is. He answers 6’6” and Liam being the tallest one there says let me see take off those platforms first. They measure each other. Toby says Liam you’ll always be the tallest in my eyes

  • they are asking what everyone’s type and when they get to new girl Georgia she says that she likes Italian looking guys or Australian surfboard looking guys and she points to Hugo and says your the one

  • Liberty and Kaz go for a chat and Liberty tells Kaz when I said I wanted a man for Kaz that’s exactly what I pictured

  • Liberty talks to the new guy and subtlety tries putting in a good word for Kaz but the new guy tells her he fancys Kaz

  • Kaz tells Liberty I love you but can I kick you out of this conversation. Liberty laughs and says yes and leaves

  • The new Islanders talk about who they want to get to know. 

    Georgia says she likes Hugo
      Tyler says he likes Kaz
        Abigail says her top 3 are Toby, Teddy, Aaron

        • Abigail talks with Toby. Toby tells her that he is with Chloe and that it took him a long way to get there. He also said that Chloe and him talked before and he said that if anyone walked in and they were like I want to get to know Toby he’d get to know them

        • Kaz and Tyler talk and she asks him if he was nervous coming in. He says a little bit but he had the other two girls with him. Kaz asks him what were you nervous about. Tyler laughs and says you want me to say you innit. Kaz laughs and says yeaaahhh they both laugh and Kaz says you can if you want to. Tyler says that he usually doesn’t get nervous around girls but when he came in and saw her and made eye contact with her… ooofff. Tyler asks Kaz if he’s the type of guy she goes for in the outside world and Kaz says yeah

        • Chloe gets mad at Toby because apparently they haven’t spoken all morning and Toby says it’s still morning it’s not even lunch yet. We don’t have to be attached at the hip. Chloe says that Toby’s behavior is muggy. She tells Toby that she doesn’t like that he’s not reassuring her.

        • Chloe talks to the girls about Toby and then she cries

        • Toby talks to the boys and says he’s semi annoyed at what happened and tells them about Chloe.

        • Jake tells Toby that he should’ve talked to Chloe and gave her reassurance when she was in the bottom

        Predictions: I think Chloe and Toby are going to call things off. There might be a recoupling today and this is how is think it's going to go...

        Tyler: Kaz
        Georgia: Hugo
        Abigail: Toby

        Jake: Liberty 
        Teddy: Faye
        Liam: Millie
        Aaron: Lucinda

        Chloe goes home. 

        Follow the new islanders:

        That's it for tonights love island recap. Let me know what you think on my twitter and while you're there follow me so we can talk about love island all day everyday


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