
Love Island UK Season 7 Episode 28 Recap

Hello and welcome back to another Love Island UK recap post. Today we will be talking about what happened in tonight's episode (episode 28... episode 27 was unseen bits) as well as some predictions for the next episode. Ok... let's get this recap going.

  • Everyone is happy about Jake asking Liberty to be his girlfriend

  • Abigail and Toby are in the bedroom and they’re hugging and Abigail gives Toby “the eyes” and Toby says don’t give me the eyes you know how badly I want to kiss you but I can’t

  • Hugo and Toby have a conversation by the fire pit and Hugo tells Toby that to him family brothers call each other out on the things they do wrong and he thinks of Toby as a brother so he was just telling him what he did wrong. Toby tells him that he should’ve done that privately instead of trying to embarrass him. Toby goes on to say that he though of Hugo as a bigger man but he was wrong. Hugo says that it looks like they’re not going to see eye to eye but he could only tell Toby how he feels.

  • Hugo tells Chloe about their talk with Toby. He tells her that they decided to agree to disagree. Later in the beach hut we see Chloe saying that what Hugo did he did it for her because he’s a nice person and he didn’t do it in a malicious way

  • They did sports day

  • Pink team wins

  • Toby apologizes to Chloe about how he treated her and how he didn’t tell her what he was feeling

  • Chloe says that she did feel like shit because she did really like him but now she sees that they weren’t right for each other and how he has a better connection with Abigail

  • Aaron talks to Hugo and tells him that he didn’t do anything after that fire pit move and he should try to go for Chloe

  • Chloe talks to Abigail and let’s her know that there’s no hard feelings between her and Abigail and her and Toby. It’s more of how the situation was handled

  • Liberty gets a text that says the Islanders have to gather around the fire pit immediately

  • Faye gets a text that says the viewers have been voting for their favorite couple and the couple with the fewest votes will be dumped tonight

  • Tyler gets a text that says him and Abigail along with their partners were not included in the votes so they’re safe

  • Chloe gets a text that says the couples that are safe are

  • Safe couples are:
-Millie and Liam
    -Liberty and Jake
      -Chloe and Hugo
        -Faye and Teddy

        Lucinda and Aaron go home

        • Hugo talks to Chloe about the possibility of them being together. She says she only sees him as a friend and she doesn’t wanna ruin what they have together

        That's it for tonights love island recap. Let me know what you think on my twitter and while you're there follow me so we can talk about love island all day everyday


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