
Love Island USA Season 3 Drama

Hey everybody! Season 3 of Love Island USA hasn't even started and there's already so much drama unfolding between three islanders already. Those islanders are Christian, Olivia & Cinco. Before we dive right into the tea I just have to say all the screen shots I'm going to show you come from twitter but main source is reddit.

Ok, now let's dive right in.

First islander we're going to be talking about is Olivia. People are saying she's a trump supporter because she follows trump. 

Proof from reddit:

When I first saw this I couldn't believe it, but if you go look at her instagram right now it's true.

edit: the person currently running Olivia's account unfollowed Trump.

Speaking of Trump supporters... we have another one joining the island soon and that is Christian. 

Proof from reddit: 

Apparently according to this person he is also an to vaccine and undermines how severe the pandemic is. 

So I did some digging because I was like what if they edited that on his hat. I searched and found where that picture came from and when he uploaded it. That picture of him wearing the trump hat came from Facebook and was uploaded on June 11, 2020 and put into an album called "My. Baldy" 

but that isn't the only time he wore that trump hat no no sir he wore it again on June 26,2020 on a trip to Yosemite National Park. He also uploaded photos to his Facebook in an album titled "Yosemite" 

These are the pictures I'm taking about...

I tried uploading these pictures on the app called Remini (this app is supposed to make blurry pictures clear) because that hat looked like the same trump hat he wore. Well this is what I got.

Let me show you what I see...

Looks an awful much like this hat.

Lastly, apparently up incoming islander "Cinco" has a girlfriend who he already was talking marriage with. He apparently told his girlfriend he was on a trip to Hawaii and would call/text her as much as he could. 
Apparently according to this person who allegedly knows a coworker what is friends with the girlfriend and apparently the girlfriend is devastated. Also apparently Cinco called love island a "job opportunity" 

Proof from reddit:

I tried finding more proof about this but I couldn't find anything. If proof comes out about Cinco and his alleged girlfriend, I promise to keep you all updated. 

So much drama and the show hasn't even strated yet. Yikes lol. Don't forget to watch Love Island USA on July 7.

Will & Kyra apparently know each other (post updated on July 8): 
People are saying that islanders Will & Kyra have already known one another before entering the villa. 

Reason being that Will has commented on one of Kyra's post. 

Proof from reddit & twitter:

and he is also in her likes on some posts...

I don't think some of you guys realize that islanders get their phone taken away before they have to go into isolation. Maura (an islander from love island uk) stated once that she got her phone taken away way before she even entered the island and that she had to be in lock down for 2 weeks & 3 days without tv or a phone.

But how do explain the following and liking of the pictures???

First let me explain to you how the instagram explore page works.... 

Instagram's Explore page comprises posts liked by people whose posts you've liked, posts from accounts similar to those that you follow, and posts with high engagement. In this way, Explore selects posts to show you, without being hemmed in by who you follow and what you claim to like.

Let's say you're Will, Javonny or Christian (who have all liked Kyra's pictures btw) 

All three of these guys follow attractive girls on instagram and have maybe most likely surely have liked picture of attractive girls on instagram before. So their explore page on instagram has to be filled with hot girls. So what do guys do? they would see that on their explore page and like and possibly follow them too. 

I don't believe this rumor at all. Show me concreate proof that they knew each other before and then maybe I'll believe. Right now I think what happened is that he saw her on his explore page liked her pictures and followed.

Person running Will's IG Responds to rumors: (post updated on July 19)
The person running Will's IG at the moment responds to the whole Will & Kyra knowing each other drama... from the looks of the screen shot below (don't know the original source sorry I saw this going around twitter). But it looks like this person put on their instagram stories "Christian said on the after the island podcast that Will and Kyra live 15 minutes away from each other. They're definitely scammers. Then the person running Will's account reacted with a laughing emoji and said the following 

Korey apparently knows Florita (post updated on July 15)
Just when you think the drama is over there's MORE! I am editing this post on July 15 with this that some one sent to me on twitter. Thank you to LonelyLoquat 

Here's the tea....
Apparently Korey and Florita already know each other. 

According to Korey's own mother... Florita is Korey's best friends ex girlfriend. When I first saw this I didn't believe that this woman was telling this he truth so I went to check on her profile on Facebook and sure enough she is his mom. She has pictures of Korey that go as back as 2016 so there's no way that she was lying about Korey being her son. 

It's so weird though that Korey claims he doesn't know Florita but how can he not know his best friends girlfriend. Like something isn't adding up. Either the mom is confusing Florita with someone else (but with a unique name like Florita I don't think you can forget it) or Korey is lying about knowing Florita. 

Shannon is friends with Casa Amor girl Genny (post updated on July 23)
This tweet was sent to me by LoquaciousMedia

Here's the tweet that they sent me where it shows Shannon liking her post and commenting. Shannon also has this girl in her stor highlights on instagram from 53 weeks ago

Jeremy has said a racial slur (n word) while singing to a song (post updated on July 23)
The tweet with the video was sent to me by fbijaysar

I was scrolling through the love island USA hashtag last night because I was sad that they saved Jeremy over Javonny and I saw a tweet that said "I JUST REALIZED THEY SENT 4 POC HOME AND SAVED THE 2 YT, A TRUMPIE AND A GUY THAT SAID N WORD #LoveIslandUSA"

so I replied with "wait... Jeremy said the N word?" 
and they tweeted me back saying "Yeee lemme find the video" then they sent me this... 

Click here for the video... in the video it looks like it's around Halloween time because of the face makeup he has and you can hear him saying the n word. 

Casa Amor Boy Ballo gets kicked out (post updated on July 24)

Casa Amor is happening this Sunday (July 25) and one boy already got sent home. Casa Amor boy "Ballo" took to instagram stories and uploaded these pictures...

Ballo later responds to season 2 islander Johnny that apparently CBS didn't want him... 

He was kicked out because of a very inappropriate TikTok saying that “these Islanders are going to be filled like a piñata and busted open” 

Shannon police brutality joke (post updated on July 24):

Shannon made a joke (a really bad joke because who the fuck jokes about police brutality) this happened like a week ago on paramount +. I wasn't going to upload this because I had no proof but I finally found a video that has proof of her saying this...

This happened during a game where islander Roxy had to take the shirt off another islander without using her hands and in the background you can hear Shannon telling Isaiah "hands up don't shoot"

proof here (33 seconds into the video)

Christian responds to being called racist for his MAGA hat pictures (post updated on July 27):

On July 27 Love Island USA season 1 islander Alana updated on her YouTube channel her interview with Christian from Love Island USA season 3. She asks him a bunch of questions. One of those questions was if he has seen what was being said about him online. He said yes about how he was racist. He goes on to explain why he wasn't racist and Alana said that those comments were due to the pictures of him in a MAGA hat... this is what Christian had to say...
"I got called like racist and to me that's hilarious... like I partnered up with Trina first... ok... and then I got partnered up with Cash. They're both amazing women. Like we said before this me and you just started talking... you're the homie. You're so cool you seem open minded but at the end of the day we're all people so I don't like.. its... I go way beyond just your appearance. You know what I mean... it doesn't really matter to me. My step mom is Japanese. I come from a very culturedifficult house. I lived in the south for 6 years. I kind of been in every element of the United states and lived in every region. So I mean it's just hilarious to me. Like that stuff cracks me amenable up. Like I know it's not true. So I'm not gonna waste my time arguing it"  

Casa Amor Islander Leslie leaves the show (post updated on Aug. 1)

As many of you have noticed during the last episode islander Leslie wasn't mentioned when they told us we had to vote. She also wasn't available to be chosen to vote for on the app (she wasn't an option). Love Island fans were quick to speculate that she left the show. Here's the apparent reasons she left...

She left because it was too much for her. Leslie was responding to instagram comments and this is what she had to say...

Another reason that apparently she left was because she was promoting the show on her only fans.

I think this might be a possible reason because remember that other islander that they kicked out because they found out he did gay porn.

Lastly, it is said that she left because she gave outside information about the show to the islanders. During an episode of laid bare (on paramount plus) Leslie tells Korey that her grandmother told her that Will and Kyra know each other and that he's been commenting on her instagram page before the show... (see video here).

What do you think is the real reason that she left. I feel like it might be the last two I stated here because she seemed really comfortable on the show the episodes we see on CBS and those we saw on paramount plus. 

UPDATED: Casa Amor Islander Leslie confirms reason why she left the villa (post updated Aug. 2)

Leslie had a Q&A on her instagram and told everyone the reason she left. This is what she said....

She also confirms that she didn't get kicked out because of her onlyfans.

She left because she bought a dap pen in her glasses case into the villa

Casa Amor Islander Genny talks about Shannon yelling at her (post updated on Aug. 2)

Genny did a Q&A on her instagram and this is what she had to say after the argument between her and Shannon.

The last screen shot is a video and this is exactly what she said 
"You know everything is edited in a certain way. But like literally me and Shannon could not stop laughing about that after we were like you really told me to shut my mouth... like it was just so funny... it was not that deep to be honest"

Shannon is a Trump supporter (post updated on Aug. 3)

Love island USA's Shannon is a Trump supporter. The screen shots below are post that have been deleted/hidden from her Facebook. In these post she is seen sharing Trump related things. 
(credit for screenshots Cashay's elite twerking)

Shannon was also seen wearing a Trump shirt 
(Credit for sending me the picture Loquacious Podcast)

Kyra's good friend clears up rumor about Kyra and Will knowing each other (post updated on Aug. 10)

Islander Aimee shared a direct message from one of Kyra's friends where she tells Aimee that Will and Kyra did NOT know each other before the show. Will apparently messaged Kyra a couple times but she never responded (apparently so did Javonny) and she wants people to stop spreading this rumor. 
The live that Kyra's friend is talking about is the one Cash did with Cinco, Aimee, Wes and Javonny. Because Aimee did talk about Kyra there and said that the person who was taking care of her let her use their phone and Aimee saw the comments that "Will" had made on Kyra's instagram 

Here's the live if you want to watch:

Here's the DM Kyra's friend sent Aimee:

Isaiah defends Shannon's hands up don't shoot comment 
(tweets sent by: Loquacious Podcast)

when I read what he said I almost couldn't believe it. How can someone be ok with someone else saying that. Especially in a joking manner. Disgusting 

The other islanders agreeing with what he said...

Going to keep updating this post with drama so make sure to follow me on twitter to make sure when I update this post. You can also send me drama (with proof) and I'll add it here and credit you for finding it. 


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