
Love Island USA Season 3 Exclusive Episodes Episode 1 Recap

Hello and welcome to the very first Love Island USA exclusive episodes recap post (episode 1). Today we will be talking about what happened in that episode. Since I'm going to be talking about an episode that you had to pay to see I unfortunately can't share any screencaps of with you guys. I don't want to get in trouble. But I promise to try and be as detailed as I possibly can :)

Ok, let's get this recap started: 

  • In the first scene we see Christian existing the villa and the other islanders waving good bye
  • Christian explains that he's sad to have been the first one eliminated but he feels like he made genuine connections with everyone in there because he was himself.
  • Shannon explains why she picked Josh over Christian. She goes on to say that she wasn't ready for Josh to leave because she feels like they have unfinished business that they have to patch up or work through. 
  • In another scene we see Shannon and Josh talking. Shannon looks like she's upset so Josh is comforting her. He tells her that it's going to be ok that it was a hard decision she had to do. They look like they're talking on the bench were we saw Will talk to Kyra about wanting to get to know Aimee... you know the one by the pool... the pink bench... Ok so anyways Shannon goes on to say that when Josh asks her "why did you pick me" she says I didn't want to pick you.. (ummm then why did you pick him. Like ummm ok I don't see the logic but go off I guess)
  • Shannon feels like it was unfair that her and him have had a connection since the second that she walked in the villa. 
  • Shannon continues to say that she is a firm believer in second chances because there's been times in her life when she wanted a second chance.
  • Josh tells Shannon that she made the right decision in picking him to stay in the villa and that he's going to prove it to her 
  • Olivia and Javonny talk about the recoupling. He says that he's happy she picked him and Olivia explains why she picked him. She tells him that she rather be laughing with him than be serious with Christian who she sees having nothing with.
  • Aimee and Jeremy talk on the yellow bench under the big blue slide. Remember the spot he and Trina talked in during day 1 when they were getting to know each other.
  • Aimee and Jeremy's talk was just about the recoupling and how it was nerve racking but apparently not her Aimee because she knew what she wanted. She also went on to say that she feels that Shannon shouldn't have given Josh another chance. I totally agree with this because she had the chance after saying all of what she said during Sundays episode just for her to give him a second chance? Like if you were going to have given him another chance why make a huge scene about it first.
  • In this other scene Josh is talking with Kyra by the kitchen and their conversation was interrupted by the sound of Kyra's phone going off. Kyra screams I GOT A TEXT and they all gather around Kyra. As they are all gathering around Kyra to see what the text was about you can hear someone say "I can't handle any more drama". Kyra reads the text and it says that the hideaway is now open and how they had to choose one couple to spend a private night together. 
  • Then they show you what the hideaway looks like... going to do my best in describing them to you so here it goes. The hideaway has 2 big fluffy table kinds like stools at the foot of the bed. During the clips that they are showing they have a purple mood light going on and on one of the walls you could see a big neon heart that has the words "meant to be" written in cursive. The heart and words are in light purple. They have other neon signs there as well that read "pillow talk" "sweet dreams" (those are also light purple) a peach neon sign. They have sheer white curtains that lead to the balcony where the hot tub is located. The very same hot tub where Josh went to meet Aimee. The hideaway is decorated in a purple and blue vibe. The walls look like they are padded in like blue velvet fabric.
  • The islanders are then seen trying to decide who goes to the hideaway and one of them suggest rock, paper, scissors. Shannon says I was going to say Kyra. Then everyone is like YEAHHHH KYRA AND WILL. Then Will smirks as Shannon goes and hugs Kyra. Kyra had a huge smile on her face.
  • Then they show Will struggling to say hideaway. Lol it was funny.
  • For the hideaway Kyra wore red (thong, bra and I don't know what they're called but they looked like suspenders, red lip and chunky heel clear heels). Will looked like he wore his swimming shorts to the hideaway. They were yellow but not bright yellow it looks like light yellow and a black shirt and black flip flops. 
  • As Will and Kyra leave Shannon tells Kyra they need to do things it there that they wouldn't be able to do in the bed room with everyone else. You may be wondering what Shannon was doing there... well she was there because she was helping Kyra get ready. 
  • Will and Kyra enter the hideaway and admire it. They both say how lucky they are to be there with each other.... kiss... then they drink champagne 
  • We see Trina in the kitchen with the others. Looks like they're all filling up their water bottles for bed. As they're leaving bold Trina (and I say bold because Cashay was right there coming out the kitchen too. She was light right next to Trina almost) says to Cinco "come to my bed" Cinco doesn't hear her so says huh. Trina says "did you hear what I said?" Cinco laughs a lil and says "I know exactly what you said" Trina says no you didn't. And Cinco admits he didn't hear her so Trina says it again "come to my bed" and quickly follows it up with I'm just kidding. Cinco says "are you though?" Trina answers by saying no I'm not.
  • As they're leaving Trina and Cinco stay behind. Both of them start getting a little flirty on the deck and then on the stairs. As they were going up the stairs Cinco says please don't fall. And hold Trina lower than the waist. Kinda by where the butt ends side of the leg.
  • They didn't show this part but apparently Trina tried kissing Cinco. They reach the top of the stairs and you can only hear them laughing and Cinco saying "why are you messing with me" Trina responds with because I like you. You then hear Cinco do a sexy "dang" then says that's the first time I hear that coming out your mouth. Then after that you hear a little heavy breathing followed by giggling and Cinco saying Trina your killing me. She says I know 
  • Ok, so listen to this next part they're all getting ready for bed right and Trina is right there with Cash and she's acting like nothing happened. Like wtf. I thought you didn't wanna be with Cinco, Trina remember you were like "when he picked Cash instead of me I sighed of relief". Single Trina is out here acting wild and I dont like it. 
  • The boys talk about Will and Kyra if they are going to have sex or not
  • Some of the islanders were cuddling together in bed and Cinco gets up on one of the beds... gets a running start and jumps on the bed. As Cinco is in mid air you can hear the islanders on the bed scream "noooo" but it was too late. You know that sound that's like it was at this moment he knew he fucked up moment happened because you hear a big crack. Yup Cinco broke yet another bed lmao. 
  • In the hideaway Will and Kyra act like that couple in high school that couldnt keep their mouths off each other during passing period. 
  • As the other islanders are falling asleep Cinco whispers to Cash. Trina tried to kiss me.
  • In the morning Cinco brings Cash something to drink. I don't know what it was could be tea could he coffee lol you decide 
  • Cash tells Aimee and Shannon what Cinco told her that Trina tried to kiss him and that it was mad uncomfortable 
  • Cash looks upset
  • Cash and Cinco talk on the couch... remember the couch near the pool... the one that Kyra talked with Korey in episode 1. That couch... ok now that we know which one seating area we are talking. They talked about how Cinco is happy that Cash picked him. She says why wouldn't she pick him he's gorgeous and that she wants to be all over him. They also talk about Cash's feelings about what happened with Trina. Cash says she feels like she's in a weird truple situation. Cinco tells Cash about the conversation he had with Trina before the recoupling. He tells her something different to what happened. (Maybe they had another conversation from the one we saw on tv). But didn't Cinco tell Trina he likes her... wait.. let me watch yesterday's episode back hold on... yeah he told her he likes her wtf! Also why didn't he tell Cash about the grabbing of the lower part of the leg. Ya know the part near where the butt ends. Typical guy behavior not telling the whole truth. Why doesnt he tell her what he did huh?!?!
  • Cash is wearing a knee brace. You know those black knee braces just like the one Moira wore when she hurt her knee. Cash has one but smaller. I don't know what happened because one minute she doesn't have it on then the next when she's talking with Olivia about the whole Trina thing she has it on. Could be a knee guard that she wore to work out with cause she looks like she's walking fine.
  • OK so now we see Trina talking to Cinco about what happened. Trina says she had some liquor courge and that she's sorry. Cinco STILL goes on and tells her he's attracted to her. He tells her he didn't want her to think he was trying to be disrespectful but to haha wasn't the time or place. He asks about Korey.... Trina says she wants Cinco not Korey but there isnt much she can do right now. She still wants to get to know Cinco and see where that takes them.
  • My problem is.... why isn't Cinco telling Cash about his feelings towards Trina. He tells Cash that he's told Trina that he only likes Cash but in the conversations that we see him have with Trina he tells her that he's attracted to her (Trina) and wants to get to know her. So what is the truth? 
  • Aimee gets a text about how the fridge has been stocked with food for them to make breakfast with.
  • The islanders make brunch. Shannon asks Cash if they have to feel the onions (the onions they are using are the purple onions) Cash says they do have to peel them.
  • Olivia is working on cooking the bacon. She's cooking on one of those little grills. You know what the George Forman grills look like? she's using one that looks like that. She closes the top and when she realized she can't open it she calls for back up saying "oh my gosh you guys how do I open this?" then some of the guys go and take a look. 
  • Everyone (except Trina) sits on a long table with all the food. They placed the table if I'm not mistaken where the girls stood in day 1 when they had to step up for a boy they fancied.
  • Will makes a speech after Javonny and says how greatful he is to share this experience with everyone. Cinco says "que lindo hermano" (awww bro that's so cute) 
  • A helicopter flys by that villa. All the islanders look confused but interested in what's going on. The helicopter flys in one direction then the other. Almost signaling the islanders where to go. The islanders start following the helicopter. They are all curious as to who is coming out the helicopter. They stare stare then they hit you with the "tomorrow" and let you know that you can see the extended version of new guy Isiah's entrance only on paramount + again on "love island the drop"
  • Then they hit you again with the "tomorrow night" where you can see Shannon get a text about the new guy coming in and all the girls freaking out. 

I honestly hope the new guy in NOT afraid to step on some toes in the villa because if everyone starts being friends it's going to be season 1 all over again and to be honest season 1 was boring because there wasn't any drama. 
Also, about the whole Trina thing I'm not mad because at the end of the day the show is about getting to know others and seeing who they have a better connection with. Was the timing of the kiss bad. Yes, especially after the talk they had after the challenge was over and Cinco telling Trina he just got to know Cash and that he likes her but he hasn’t gotten to know Trina yet.  Cinco needs to stop leading her on and saying things like this he needs to tell Cash the truth if he still want to get to know Trina. He can’t keep telling Trina he wants to get to know and not expect her to do anything.
You don't want this to be another Kyra and Will moment when Will comes back from his date with Aimee and kyra gets upset because Will the old her that he wanted to get to know Aimee. I wonder if some of the girls even seen love island before. Like why are they over reacting. Like Shannon with Josh going on a date with Aimee and kissing her in the challenge, Kyra crying and getting upset because Will wants to do what you're supposed to do in this dating show and getting to know others. If they seen it they would've known that things like this happen 


  • The new guy comes in and everyone welcomes him. They talk about what he does for a living and he says personal trainer. Apparently now there's 4 personal trainers in the villa so there's no excuse not to be fit this summer according to Shannon.
  • The girls give the new guy a tour and the boys stayed behind to clean up after brunch.
  • Cinco was about to say something about Cash but all you could hear as soon as he spoke was the sound of waves. 
  • This episode is messy editing wise. The audio is so messed up. Like they're showing us the girls giving the new guy a tour but the audio is the guys talking.
  • The guys are now seen washing the dishes and talking about the new girl and who his type might be
  • The new guy tells Cinco does anyone ever tell you you look like Reggie Bush. He goes all the time. All the time. Then jokes and says that's my cousin.
  • This episode of Love Island The Drop didn't have that much info and didn't really add nothing to the show. The audio was terrible every 2 minutes they kept cutting the audio and all we could hear was the sounds of waves. I think this was probably because this is what they're going to show in tonight's episode. I think for tonight's episode we aren't going to hear the waves 

That's it for yesterday's love island exclusive episode recap. Let me know what you think on my twitter and while you're there follow me so we can talk about love island all day everyday


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