
Love Island UK Season 7 Episode 35 - 40 Recap

Hello and welcome back to another Love Island UK recap post. Today we will be talking about what happened in episodes 35-40 (episode 34 was unseen bits) Ok... let's get this recap going.

Episode 35:

  • Kaz and Tyler get into a heated discussion. Kaz tells Tyler he sold her dreams and said he only came in for her and wanted her but at the second he was away from her he switched. Tyler says Kaz shouldn’t be mad because she did it too and Kaz said because she saw the postcard

  • Kaz talks with Liberty about what just happened with Tyler and says she still has feelings for him and she’s really upset with what happened

  • Liam tries to fix things with Millie after what happened during the recoupling from casa amor

  • Millie gets a text saying that Lillie wanted to talk to her and was waiting for her out of the villa

  • Millie & Lille talk and she tells Millie that Liam was the one always starting conversations with her and kissing her. She tells Millie that Liam was also telling her that she was killing him because she was tempting him in bed

  • Millie goes back to the girls and they talk in their little group. She starts crying

  • Liam sleeps outside on the day beds

  • Teddy and Faye talk and they both say that they screwed things up. 

  • Teddy and Faye kiss on the balcony. 

Episode 36:

  • Toby realizes that the person he really likes is Chole.

  • Tyler and Kaz have a chat

  • Liam is still trying to get Millie to forgive him

  • Toby talks to Millie and tells her he still had feelings for Chole

  • Clarisse decided it was time to have a talk with Kaz and she told her what "really" happened in Casa Amor. Clarisse told Kaz that Tyler didn't seem very serious about their relationship. Kaz told her what Tyler said last night about choosing her, and Clarisse was left in shock.

  • Kaz had a talk with Tyler, but it didn't go smoothly. He struggled to make up his mind about the two girls. Kaz got up and left the conversation. She cried to the girls on the balcony.

  • Chloe broke things off with Dale

  • Faye told Sam she kissed Teddy and they were now back on.

  • Liam left a handwritten note on Millies pillow

Episode 37:

  • Toby pulls Chloe for a chat. He tells her that he still liked her. He tells her that hugs and kisses didnt feel the same with anyone else. Chloe forgave him.

  • The islanders are treated to a Spotify Party with a guest performance from Mabel.

  • Liam took to the stage afterwards to deliver a speech.

“I’ve got something I want to say. I’ve been told I need to go big or go home," he said. “You blew me away with your flawless looks, piercing blue eyes, infectious smile and amazing personality that draws me to you. It’s the way you make me smile without even saying anything that brings me back for more." He continued to say "I didn’t expect to come to Love Island and find a potential soulmate so early on but I’ve found that and so much more in you. I’ve never been one to have boxes that need ticking, it’s all about how someone makes me feel. I’ve never felt this way before....”

  • Millie walks over to Liam and gave him a hug.

  • Abigail pulls Kaz for a chat. They talked on the day beds and she told Kaz she liked Dale, but thought he was more into Mary.

  • Chloe gets a text

  • The recoupling goes like this
Liberty - Jake
Faye - Teddy
Amy - Hugo
Chloe - Toby
Kaz- Matt
Clarisse - Tyler
Abby - Dale
Mary - Sam

Episode 38:

  • The islanders take part in a challenge. This challenge is a kissing challenge. The rules of the challenges is that those who were still kissing by the team the bell rang would win.

  • The winners of that challenge are:
Clarisse & Tyler
Amy & Hugo
Jake & Liberty

  • Kaz talks to Millie and tells her that she got jealous seeing Tyler kissing Clarisse.

  • Tyler talks with Kaz and he tells her he was still interested in her and she told him the door was still open.

  • Tyler went to talk to Clarisse about not wanting to continue what they have, but she didn't want to hear it she told him "Go get your Kaz!" before taking off her heels and walking off.

  • Matt talks to Kaz to let her know that he's upset that she didn't come talk to him about wanting to continue things with Tyler. Kaz doesn't understand why Tyler is upset.

  • They get a text to gather around the fire pit. The islanders now know that the public have been voting for their favorite couple. The couple with the fewest votes risk being dumped from the island.

  • The couples not safe are Tyler & Clarisse, Mary & Sam and Amy & Hugo.

  • The safe islanders now have to pick two girls and two boys to send home 

Episode 39:

  • The episode continues from the elimination.

  • They decide to save Mary & Tyler. Which means Hugo, Amy, Clarisse & Sam go home

  • Kaz gets pulled for a chat by Matt and he tells her "we're done" and just walks away. (BTW did you guys see he wants to see we're done t shirts like wtf lmao)

  • Kaz and Tyler talk and agree to giving their relationship another try 

  • Faye talks to the girls and tells them that she was having doubts about Teddy, because they don't like the same things. He likes jazz music & she likes R&B and Disney. He likes expensive designer labels and she shops at the charity shop. She also tells them that she didn't think he'd get along with her family.

  • Later that night the islanders have a movie night. But this isn't your typical movie no no no. This movie is where the islanders get to see their behavior in the villa. In one clip they showed. Jake is seen telling the guys he isn't sexually attracted to Liberty and that when he saw her he didn't wanna rip her clothes off. In another clip we see Faye saying Teddy wasn't funny and then in that same clip we see Faye laughing her ass off with Sam. 

Episode 40:

  • In this episode movie night continues. 

  • Millie sees Liam's three-way kiss that happened in Casa Amor. Kaz sees what Tyler had been up to with Clarisse. Faye sees the clip of Teddy telling Clarisse she was sexually attractive.

  • The clip that left everyone in shock waa of Jake. In the clip that was shown during the movie night we see Jake encouraging the boys to enjoy themselves with the Casa Amor girls. 

  • After watching those clips Faye was up in flames. When she walked past Dale, Matt and Teddy chatting by the fire pit, she stuck her middle finger up at them. When Teddy tried to talk about it, she told him she didn't want to speak to him.

  • Liberty sat down to talk with Jake. She talked to him about his comments on the video. He said to her it was "early days" and tried to use the excuse of "I wouldnt have asked you to be my girlfriend if I didnt find you attracrive"

  • Faye is still fuming and started shouting at Teddy in the kitchen for not telling her he was sexually attracted to Clarisse. She was also mad that he even though about sharing a bed with her.

  • Teddy & Faye sit down to have a proper chat over the situation. Things didnt go to good because she yelled at Teddy again. She bought up the fact that it was things like this that msde her not want to be anyones girlfriend. She ends things with Teddy saying "it's so done, it's unreal"


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