
DIY flower phone charms

Hey everyone! Today we are doing a DIY that is both cute and very easy to make. Today we are going to be making our very own flower phone charms.

Here’s what you need:

  • beads of your choice (I’m using some of these)

  • strong string… this is what I’m using 

  • scissors 

First you’re going to cut a long piece of your strong string. Make sure it’s long because you’re going to weave it into the beads. You can always cut off any extra later.

Secondly, you’re going to grab 7 beads of what ever color you want. For this tutorial I’m going to be using these orange beads. 

Make sure 1 of those 7 beads you get is a different color (or different shade of that color like in my case). 

After you’ve picked your beads take one of your beads and insert it into one of the sides of your string and do the same on the other side.

Next grab both ends of your string insert your different color bead this is going to be the center of your flower

Next you're going to want to repeat the pervious step and put two beads on each side of the string. After you've done that it should look like this...

After you've done that you're going to want to secure it by knotting it. I double knotted it. This is what it should look like after you've done this.

After you've done that take one of the pieces of string and insert it in one of the holes. It should look like this...

Next take one of your remaining beads and insert it into the end of string you inserted into the bead hole (the string from the previous step).  

After you've done that, take that same end piece of string and insert it on to the next bead hole.

After you've done that step take the other side of the string and do the same thing you did previously. 

Take the string and insert it in the hole.

Next take your last bead and put it into the end of string you inserted into the first bead.

Next take your end of string and insert it to the hole of the bead next to it. 

When you finish that it should look like this

What you're going to what to do next is secure the flower by tying a knot. 

Next take any 2 beads of your choice. I picked green. 

Next grab the two beads you picked and the two ends of your string and put them into the holes of the beads you picked.

Next grab 7 more of the same color beads you used for the first flower or pick 7 different color beads. I'm going with the same colors as before.

Next you're going to do the same steps as before 

Continue doing the same steps as before 

OK so notice how the strings aren't facing the right way? what you're going to want to do with that is this. 

Grab one of the end piece of your string and put them like this

Do the same for the other piece of string that's facing the wrong way.

When you do that it should look like this.

After you've done those steps remember to tie the strings together to secure it. Then you're going to repeat all the steps I showed you until you have the length that you want. 

This is how mines looks like done.

I hope you guy liked this fun and easy DIY. If any of you make this I would love to see pictures :). You can send them to me on any of my social medias link to everything is on the right hand side of this blog if you're reading on desktop if you're on your phone just keep scrolling down until you see the welcome message. My social medias should be under that follow me and let's be friends :D. 


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