
Letters to Cookie

Dear Cookie,

It has been 2 months since you passed away and it still pains me so much. I really miss you. I miss how you used to climb on my stomach in the morning to wake me up or how you used to come to the kitchen to open up the little door where your treats were kept. 

I also miss how I used to vent my feelings to you late at night when everyone was asleep. It sucks that I can’t do that anymore well I can but it’s not the same. 

18 days ago was my mom’s birthday and remember how I would used always grab you so you can be in the pictures too don’t worry you’re still in these pictures. I pulled up your picture from my phone and held it up. 

I really really miss you a lot. Slowly I had to learn that everyone has to pass away sooner or later. In church they said that everyone has to pass away, some are just closer in line than others but we are all headed in the same direction. So I know that sooner or later we are going to be back together, I just hope you can recognize me when I’m old and wrinkly :)

I just wanted to let you know I’m doing ok right now and I hope you are too. I know it’s impossible for you to read these letters but it gives me some sort of comfort writing these to you. <3 


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