
My Teacher washed a sudents mouth with soap (Story Time)

Hey everyone! How are you? For todays blog post I bring you a story time. This story time is about one of my crazy teachers and how she washed a kids mouth out with soap.

You always hear people say “I’m going wash your mouth out with soap” but you never really see someone do it. This is the story about the time one of my teachers washed a students mouth out with soap. Yes, you read that right. I had a teacher wash a kids mouth out with soap. 

This story takes place when I was in elementary school. I think I was in 2nd grade? I'm not sure and that's not really important to this story. Just know everyone in this story is young (except the teacher). So there was this boy in my class who probably over the weekend learned how to swear and was cursing up a storm that day in school. 

The teacher hears this student and tells him to stop but of course he didn't listen and kept on saying that swear word. The teacher hears this little boy continuing to swear and tells him out loud that if he says that word one more time she was going to wash his mouth out with soap. And then just like those old western movies, you know that scene when it suddenly gets tense and they show the Cowboys eyes in the shot and them slowly reaching down for their gun. 

This little boy says the swear word one more time and then suddenly the whole class was filled with everyone saying oooooo. The teacher raises her eyebrows and walks in direction of where the kid was sitting. She grabs him in a head lock and walks him over to the sink. The whole class got silent

Suddenly you hear the water running and I quickly glance overy in that direction and the teacher still had the boy in a head lock and was shoving a bar of soap in the kid's mouth. I look back at the board and then seconds later the teacher stops and continues to teach like nothing happened. 

For those asking what happened to the teacher well, I'm guessing she probably just got a few days off because she didn't show up for a couple days but then continued to teach us and as for what happened to the little boy... well, that little boy was still in our class and he never said bad words again. 

That's it for todays blog post. If you want to hear more crazy teacher story times let me know, I got loads. You can let me know by writing it in the comments below or you can let me know on my social medias. Link to everything is on the right hand side of this post if you're on desktop. If you're on mobile scroll down until you see the "welcome" message :). 


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