
Letters to Cookie

Dear Cookie, 

Today is 7 months since you passed away. 

Before I couldn’t live without you for a few hours and I don’t know how I’ve managed to live 7 months without you. On July 14, 2022 something really weird happened and I know it was you sending us a sign that you’re ok. My brother went to the bin store and that day he got a mystery bag. When he was opening it inside was a dog bandana and he said “look even Cookie got something.” 

My other brother took the bandana and placed it on your ashes box. I fixed it cause he just placed it and then I went to my room. After I was just taking pictures of receipts for my rewards apps (cause you know #poorlife). I suddenly felt something poking my leg. I scratched it and I saw that I had one of your whiskers on my leg.  

I honestly felt shocked and I wanted to cry so bad when I saw the whisker. I like to believe that you’re still here with me, just that I can’t see you and this is further proof that this belief is true. Cookie, I miss you so much. I hope you’re doing well up in heaven <3 I love you so much and you’re welcomed to visit us anytime you want 


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