
Letters to Cookie

Dear Cookie, 

It's been 13 months since you passed away. 

Can't believe I've gone so long without you. I miss you so much. How are you? for me it's hard sometimes because everything reminds me of you. Like each time we go to the store and I see dog treats I think "Cookie would've loved these" or when I see a cute dress I think "Cookie would've looked so cute in this". 

It's recently been snowing out and all I could think about is how you would've loved running in the snow. I miss you so much especially when I would tell you about things I was scared of. I know that on the outside I may seem so strong. Like nothing is able to tare me down, but deep down sometimes I get scared. 

Like recently, I had an MRI exam done and it came back with the same results as the mammogram. They want me to get a biopsy done and to be honest with you I'm scared. I'm scared I might have cancer again. But you know if I do have cancer again (praying I dont) but if I do, thank goddess they caught it in time before it gets bigger. Even if I already passed through there and know what they're doing I don't want to do that again. 

Miss you so much. Hope you're getting all your favorite doggy treats up in heaven and that you play a lot with all your doggy friends that have also passed away. 


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