
Letters to Cookie

Dear Cookie, 

It’s been 31 months since you’ve passed away (2 years 7 months). I can’t believe time passed by so quickly. I hope you’re doing well up in heaven. I miss you so much here on Earth. But I know we will meet again so I’m not worried. In the mean time. I’ll tell you how I’ve been here on Earth. 

Ive been really great health wise. I have an appointment with the Doctor in mid August so in the mean time I’m just relaxing. It’s stressful going to the Doctor sometimes especially since I have to be check constantly to see if the cancer hasn’t come back. It’s good I guess being checked really well, but it’s a bit stressful like I said. Especially when they leave you in the room while they go check the results and they leave you there for hours and hours and your brain starts to wonder oh man they’re going to come in and tell me I have cancer again. Or they’re probably stalling because they don’t know how to tell me. But hopefully when I have my appointment things go smoothly. I’ll tell you about it soon :) pray for me that it goes well 


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