
Spooky Halloween Tag

Hey everyone! Today I’m going to make an updated Spooky Halloween Tag blog post. I did this back in 2018.

1. Favorite horror or Halloween-themed song?

Ghostbusters by Walk the Moon. Do I even need to explain? This song makes me want to dance every time I hear it.

2. Name something you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark forest or in an abandoned building.

I’d have to stick with my original answer from 2018… a crying child. I’ve seen scary movies and every time there’s a crying child involved there’s something bad about to happen 

3. Have you ever used a Ouija Board?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! Next question

4. Favorite horror monster or villain?

I’d have to say Carrie. 

5. What is the creepiest thing that’s ever happened to you while you were alone?

In my old house I lived at (which was haunted tbh) I was listening to music while I was cleaning and suddenly the Lady of Guadalupe picture we had framed on the wall fell to the ground and broke. I have so many other scary stories. Let me know if you’d like to hear them.

6. Are you superstitious?

Not really

7. Do you ever see figures in your peripheral vision?

YESSS! I’ve seen them a bunch of times. Ok, I’m going to give you a mini story time about a time I saw one and then something happened. So when my family and I were in the moving process. We would go to our new house and clean it. So I went to clean one of the bedrooms upstairs and as I was mopping I saw a dark shadow of a man in the doorway. I thought it was one of my brothers or my dad telling me we were leaving. So I quickly turned my head and I saw no one there. 

I then said in Spanish and English “hey don’t scare me.” And a few seconds after the blinds shot up by themselves. šŸ˜­

8. Which urban legend scares you the most?

I’m going to say the one about the girl that disobeyed the mom and went out to dance. Then there she meets a really handsome man and she dances with him all night and then she looks down and she sees hooves and turns out she was dancing with the devil 

9. Do you prefer gore or thrillers?

Thrillers. Sometimes I love a good jump scare lol. I would say gore but sometimes those scenes are too much and they make me want to throw up.

10. If you were dared to spend the night in a haunted house, would you do it?


11. Do you believe in multiple dimensions or worlds?

Not really. 

12. Ever made a potion of any sort?

No. Not even when I was a child did I ever do “potions”

13. Do you get scared easily?

Yes. If I don’t see it coming I do get scared easy. But if I’m watching a scary movie and it’s so predictable what will happen next I don’t get scared.

14. Have you ever played Bloody Mary?

No. I don’t even know what that is and I don’t even want to know.

15. Do you believe in demons/the devil?

Yes. I do believe that there’s those evil things are real. 

16. You’re home alone but you hear footsteps in your house, what do you do?

I’d go towards the noise lol. And that’s how  my character would die in a horror movie šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

17. If you got trapped in one scary movie, which would you choose?

None. Based on my last answer I’d die within the first few minutes of the movie 

18.If you could only wear one Halloween costume for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Sticking to my original answer from 2018. Any princess costume would be my pick. 

19. Would you ever go to a graveyard at night?

No. I heard a lot of scary stories about people going to graveyards at night and talking to “people” and later to find out they were talking to ghosts. So no thanks

20. Would you rather go to a Halloween party of trick-or-treating?

Halloween Party. I’d love to still say trick or treating but there’s no free candy when you’re an adult šŸ˜­

21. In a zombie apocalypse what is your weapon of choice?

Probably a bat with nails on it. Something walking dead style

22. You’re in a horror movie. Are you the first to die? The final girl standing? The comic relief? The skeptic? The smart one? The killer?

Well, based on my what I’d do if I heard a noise while I was home alone answer. I think we all know the answer to this question lol. Absolutely be the first to die. But I’d probably be the comic relief/skeptic one before I die.

23. Do you have to watch something happy after watching a horror movie to help you sleep?

Yes! And it has to be cartoons to be more exact. I need to forget about what I just saw because then I’d have nightmares 

24. Whilst watching scary movies are you the person yelling at the characters, the person with their eyes covered or the person who falls asleep?

The person that yells at the characters. I’d be like “stupid don’t go in there” and then when they go in there “see I told you that there was someone in there! Now you’re dead because you didn’t listen” šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

25. Are you the one who gets scared or the one who does the scaring?

Sadly I’m the one that gets scared. I feel bad scaring people 

26. What is your favorite scary book?

Scary stories to tell on the dark. Is a good one

27. How old were you when you saw your first horror movie?

Probably a teenager. I wasn’t a big scary movie fan growing up. Like if you’d put two movies in front of me one being a scary movie and the other being a like cute movie I’d pick the cute one.

28. What was your first Halloween costume?

Probably a Princess. Like I said I wasn’t a scary movie type of person and for Halloween I’d always prefer to be something cute like a princess and not something gross 

29. What is your favorite Halloween movie?

I’d probably say Carrie 

30. What are you going to be for Halloween this year?

Probably dressing up as Snow White to give out the candy but I’m not sure yet. 

31. If you could have a Halloween-y pet (black cat, owl, bat, rat, wolf, raven) what would you pick?

I’d probably pick wolf since it’s like a Dog and I’d also say a black cat. There’s a black cat that comes to my house sometimes and it’s really friendly. I love it.


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