
Letters to Cookie

Dear Cookie, 

Before I start I just want to say Merry Christmas! It’s been 3 years since you passed away :(. Christmas was fantastic! I got a lot of nice things. But I would’ve loved it if you were still with me. The days leading up to Christmas I got a little sad because I would see people on TikTok showing themselves wrapping their gifts for their dogs and it reminded me of when I used to wrap your gifts. Dont even get me started on Christmas Eve and the next day after Christmas. When I saw all those videos of dogs opening up their Christmas gifts I got sad because it reminded me of you. I remember when you used to love getting treats on christmas. They were always your favorite. I remember your last Christmas you got a really REALLY big bag of your favorite treats and you didn’t end up finishing them because you got really sick and passed away :(. 

But now I know you’re not feeling any pain anymore and are feeling like your old self up there in heaven. I miss you so much. Sending you lots of hugs and kisses.


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