
620 Unique Visitors Q + A

Hello! Welcome back to my blog. I still can't believe that our little blog has now reached 620 unique visitors in these almost 3 years of blogging. (Jan. 1, 2016 - May. 18, 2018) I know it may not seem like a lot, but for me it's such a big deal. So, I decided to do a little Q + A for everyone. On my instagram (link in the right hand side) I asked you guys to comment some questions for me to answer in a blog post & you guys did so thank you very much. Anyways, let's get started:

I decided to start my blog because I've always loved to write & I wanted to have an outlet to express my feelings. Since, I'm a little shy I quickly decided that Youtube wasn't the right choice for me (I really want to start Youtube seems fun, but like I said I'm shy lol) so I decided to start blogging. 

Follow: Susanaglam_

Before I would upload whenever I felt like I wanted to say or share something, but then I saw people actually read what I wrote & I was like "wow people are actually reading & caring about what I have to say." Even though it was like 3 people at the time lol, it was such a huge deal for me. So now, fast forward to now I upload every Monday at 9AM CST. Lol don't miss it 😂.

*does baby voice* yes you can my little Cookie. Who's a good girl? you're a good girl. Yes you are... *goes back to normal voice* what everyone talks like this to their dogs. It's perfectly normal. Haha

Follow my dog: Cookie

I'm from Chicago (no not Kanye West & Kim Kardashian's baby) I'm from the place Chicago lol. Living here is ok, but I would prefer to live in the UK. Preferably London. I hear that it's always cloudy & rainy there and that's my favorite kind of weather.

Oh man, this is such a hard question. If we're talking about makeup I'd have to go with my profusion Caramel Chocolate Glamour Bar or my Natural Okalan palette. If we're talking about skin care I'd have to say my Garnier Fructis Skin Active moisture or my Adorlée mud mask made with almond oil & rose extracts. 

Follow: Malloryelainexo

Starting a blog is kinda easy. Just pick a site you want to start your blog on two I know of are blogspot (what I'm at now) & wordpress. If you want to start a blog on blogspot go to click on the 9 little squares next to where it says images. After click on where it says "more" & scroll until you see an orange little square with a white B that says blogger. After that it should take you to bloggers website where it guides you to starting a blog. If this doesn't help you please let me know & I'll do a tutorial with more specific information on my blog. 

Oh no, don't even get me started on this question. I have so many! My 2 top most favorite are Shane Dawson & Jenna Marbles. My other favortes include Dan & Phil, LaurDIY, Zoella, Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee, Swoozie, iisuperwomanii, Mikey Bolts, David Dobrik, Liza Koshy, Ryan Higa. And I'm going to stop here because I can go on and on about my favorite youtubers. 

I usually like all the artist that are on the radio. One of my most favorite songs is Happy by Pharrell Williams 

Favorite Music: Like I said I typically like anything that's on the radio. You know like pop.
Favorite Palette: I'm currently loving my profusion Caramel Chocolate Glamour Bar & my Natural Okalan palette. 

My favorite "inspirational" song is Happy by Pharrell Williams. When ever I hear that song doesn't matter what mood I'm in I always feel Happy after the song is over.

Inspirational place: I don't know I'm going to say the Library because it's super quiet.

Inspirational Person: I'm going to have to go with my favorite youtubers. They all do so much that I can't even begin to say why they inspire me.

Follow: Makeup_moron13

I love all animals, but dogs are my absolute favorite! 

Follow: Mystina83

I usually go for something that makes me laugh like Shane Dawson or Jenna Marbles. If I want to do something I go for LaurDIY  (she does DIY videos). If I'm feeling like watching vloggers I usually watch Zoella or Joe Sugg. Gaming: Joe Sugg.

Follow: Aheatedmess

In my opinion writing a blog isn't that time consuming. What helps if you're ahead of the game. Before I used to write my blog the day of or the day before; trust me you don't want to do that. I got so stressed. Now what I do is that I have a set day when I upload a post (which are Mondays at 9AM CST) I write as much ideas as I can during the day & on Saturday I write all my blog post. Then I set them to post each Monday. Sometimes if it's a special day coming up. I write all the days until that day (Like I did with Mother's day). If you want to start a blog I would definitely read it :)

Follow: Freebeevinita

The best part of this journey is all the nice people I've met. Everyone is so nice & supportive I love it. 

Follow: It_is_harsh

 One of the apps I use frequently is Canva. I used canva to make these templates. Hope this answered your question.

Follow: Anyagebeauty

I believe photography allows you to tell stories through photographs. That is what I try to do. 

Follow: Thatnerdgirlsmakeup

I don't have a luxurious camera. Hopefully one day, but what I use my phone which is a Samsung Galaxy S5 & I use a Sanyo digital camera 14MP 

Follow: Missvickyvii

Once again I want to thank everyone who has visited my blog, left a comment, shared. I am so thankful for all of you. Don't forget that this blog is also yours so please let me know if what you want to see in this blog. So comment below. 


  1. I love Jenna Marbles! I May have to check to check out shane dawson now!


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