
Watching the show Friends for the first Time

Hey guys! Since, people really liked my last post where I tried Milk Makeup for the first time I decided to make a new series on my blog where I do things for "the first time"

This time I decided that I was going to watch the show "Friends" for the first time.

Yes, you read this right... I have never... never... never watched this show until now. (Nov. 22) I know, what a shocking confession.

Anyways, this show was on tv that day and I thought this is the perfect time to watch the show and write about what I think. 

These are the episodes that I watched:

The one where Ross got high (S6E9)

The one where Chandler doesn't like Dogs (S7E8)

The one with the Rumor (S8E9)

The one with Rachel's other Sister (S9E8)

The one with the Late Thanksgiving (S10E8)

The one with Joey's big break (S5E22)

What I thought about the show:

After watching six episodes I can say this is one of the BEST shows I've ever watched. The jokes were simple & very funny. The episodes felt really short (haha probably since I was enjoying myself the episodes just flew by) and easy to follow. I say the episodes are easy to follow because after one episode I knew who each character was and the story line of each episode was smooth & straight to the point.

What I thought of the characters:

The characters omg! Don't even get me started. Lol. I found myself saying stuff like "Same" "Omg me" at the stuff they said. I loved all the characters so much. My favorite characters are Joey & Phoebe. It's so funny how they're "dumb" but also so so wise at the same time. Like where Joey put on maternity pants to eat turkey lol and when Pheobe was mad at Ross and she didn't know why.

Another thing that I loved was where they are playing the game Chandler made where they had to name the 50 states and Pheobe was like I named the types of celery, then Joey had 56 states down and how Ross couldn't get all the states lol. Also, when Chandler had to go and was like Joey while I'm gone don't let Ross look at any maps or the globe in your apartment and Joey responses with its not a globe of the United States. I was rolling laughing.

From the episodes I watched I could tell that Monica and Chandler are the responsible ones.

Joey & Pheobe are the funny ones (comic relief)

And Rachel is the popular one that got everything she wanted in high school & didn't have to work for nothing. (That's the vibe I got from the episode of the rumor)

Final Statements:

This is one of the best TV shows I've ever watched. I really loved the episodes I watched so I would definitely watch again this time starting from season one.

Have you seen the show Friends? If so who is your favorite? Also, I would like to know which episode is your favorite? 


  1. So my bestie just called me the other day and said she recently started watching Friends on Netflix. We haven’t seen it either I think it was a little bit before my time. When friends was airing I was still watching the Disney channel. I’m def doing to watch it now! Insatiable is great and the haunting of hill house is great too!

    1. I really enjoyed watching Friends. It was such a great show


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