
My honest opinion of Bird Box

Ok, so by now we've all seen or at least heard of a movie on Netflix called "Bird Box". Yes? No?

Ok well for those that answered "No" let me give you a quick (more like long af) summary. This is a movie on Netflix that was released on Dec. 21 2018. In this movie Sandra Bullock stars as a character named Mallory. In the movie there is this thing called "entity" (they didn't really show what it looked like, it was just represented as a gust of wind) but anyways if you looked at it you went crazy and killed yourself. So in order to survive you had to close your eyes (wear a blind fold) if you went outside.

Anways, as the movie progresses Mallory is seen at the hospital (she's pregnant) and when she was leaving the hospital she sees a woman bashing her head on the window and bleeding alot. She freaks out and runs out the hospital to her sister (played by Sarah Paulson). They are both in the car now and people everywhere are starting to freak out and run every where. Then Mallory is like "It's here we need to go" so they both speed off. Then Mallory's sister sees the entity and starts driving faster and faster.

Later Mallory's sister ends up killing herself (she stood in front of a bus). A pregnant Mallory is now running trying to save herself and the baby. She falls and this woman who was being told by her husband to go inside, runs to help Mallory because she was pregnant. The lady fails at helping Mallory because she say the entity and killed herself.

Mallory goes inside the woman's house and the lady's husband was so pissed. We later see more people enter this house. Ok, so fast forward a bit and the people inside the house hear a knock. It was a fighted lady who was also pregnant and seeking a place to stay. They let her inside after taking all the nessesary precautions.

Ok, so fast forward more (This is after they protected the car and all headed out to the store where Mallory finds some birds and they bring them back along with more food. Also, 2 people from their group betrayed them and stole the protected car and drove off... possibly to live at the store) the other pregnant woman (her name was Olympia) let's inside a strange man who claims he was also scared and wanted safety. This man was CRAZY! but they didn't know.

Ok, so in this scene Olympia goes into labor and gives birth to a girl. Mallory also goes into labor at the same time and gives bird to a boy. The crazy man after putting the birds in the freezer and ripping off the paper they had on the first floor windows goes upstairs to where they (Mallory and Olympia) had their babies. He then rips off the paper and tells Olympia to look. She looks at the window and starts going crazy. Mallory is seen pleading to Olympia to let her see the baby.

Mallory then rips the baby out of Olympia's hands and then Olympia jumps out the window. Mallory then is left with two kids.
The crazy man is later killed.

Fast forward even more... Olympia's daughter and Mallory's son are now grown and Mallory is left with someone from their group called "Tom". Ok, so they teach Boy & Girl (I'm not lying these were their actual names) basic survival skills they go and "raid" houses to find left over food or stuff. They find a box of spoiled popstarts and eat them. Tom claims they were his favorite and when they give them to the kids they were like "this is what strawberry taste like"

Anyways, so Tom later dies looking at the entity while fighting off the crazy people (oh I forgot... people that escaped the mental hospital aren't affected by the entity). Also before Tom died he and Mallory talked to someone over the walkie talkies and they told them about a place that was safe. Then later we see Mallory, Boy, Girl and a box of birds on the boat for days and days. They can take off their blind fold if they are under a blanket and stuff so after overcoming obstacles of people fighting them to take off their blind fold Mallory tells Boy & Girl to go under the blanket.

Inside the blanket Mallory tells them that one of them is going to have to take off their blind fold (aka die) and tell her where to go when they reach the rapids. Boy offers to do it and Mallory says "No I decided who takes it off." Mallory makes it pretty clear that she can't do it because she's going to steer the boat. And with her saying that Boy can't do it the only person left is Girl. So Girl cries and accepts her faith. She says she would do it. Which in my opinion made Mallory feel bad and then she said "No no one is going to look" so when they reach the rapids things get worst. The boat tips over and she can't find her kids. She ends up finding Boy and the girl kept on dining a little bell she hand.

So when Mallory finally ends up finding Girl they're on land already. They are told to listen for the birds in order to find the safe place. During their time listening for the birds they encounter alot of danger. OK so now fast forward even more.

Mallory ends up finding the place (that's in the middle of no where tbh) she begs and pleads for them to let her and the kids in. They don't open the door so she's like please let the kids in. They then open the door and they are told to take off their blin folds. The people there check their eyes (because as I told you guy earlier if you looked at the entity it screws with your eyes). When they say they were all good the people take Mallory, Girl, Boy to a room with other people. Malory then notices they were at a school for the blind.

In the room Mallory, Boy, Girl see all the people and the birds flying everywhere. Mallory tells Boy & Girl if they should release the birds so they can be with their friends. They all agree so they open the box and the birds fly out. Later Mallory sees her doctor and the doctor is like oh so these are your kids and the doctor ask then what their name is and they respond "Boy & Girl"

The doctor looked shocked and then Mallory knees down and was " No, your name is not Boy it's Tom and I'm your mom" (his own son called her Mallory) then she hugs him.

Then she goes to the girl and was like and your name is not Girl it's Olympia. And then she goes on about how it's a name from a really nice girl she met. Then this is basically where the movie ends.

My opinion of the movie:

I thought the story was good. It was entertaining and kept me intriguied the whole time. But what I didn't like was that they kept going back and forth between the boat scene & the part where Mallory was in the house with everyone. That made the movie super predictable in my opinion. Like when Olympia showed up I quickly put two and two together and was like that blonde little girl is probably her daughter so that means Olympia is gonna die. Also, when I saw Tom and Mallory together and then when they switched back to where she was on the boat I was like ohhhh Tom didn't make it either.

I believe people over hyped this movie when they labled it as being the BEST movie of 2018. I went into the movie thinking it was going to be super scary and full of suspense. I would label this movie as ok. Like I didn't hate it nor was I super crazy in love with it.

Also, this movie left me with so many questions.... Like I would like to see like what the people saw when they saw the entity. I wanted to know what they saw in their brain before killing themselves. I also want to know what happened with that girl cop and blonde dude that stole the car. I was hoping to see what happened to them. Lastly, I want to know why was the school for the blind in the middle of no where? Why was it in like a forest thing?

So now it's time for you guys to tell me what you guys think. Did you guys watch the movie? If so, did you like it or do you believe it was over hyped? Let me know in the comments below. Also, don't forget to follow me on all my social medias. Link to those are on the right hand side of this blog. I'm on everything almost every day. Follow me & let's be friends ♡


  1. very good review. haven't watch the film yet (so had to skip the spoilers :p). will write a review of the film shortly. gr8 blog btw x

    1. Hi, thanks for leaving a comment. I can't wait to read what you think of the movie. :)

  2. I watched and honestly I felt like I lost brain cells watching. I love sandra bullock but something about watching people kill themselves for two hours straight makes my own drop. I wish I just read a book instead it would have been better for me. The Fyre documentary was great though! I just finished it

    1. Thanks for the recommendation, and yeah I feel like people really over hyped this movie a lot. I was expecting it to be super scary but it was dull for people reffering to it as the greatest movie of 2018. It was just ok not like really really great


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