
Things I want to accomplish in 2019

I told myself I wasn't going to do this kind of post. But here we are lol.

Hey what's up everyone! welcome back to my blog. Ok *clap* so I told myself I wasn't going to do a blog post like this because I know myself. I know that if I don't complete things on this list I'm going to get upset at myself and feel like an even bigger failure then I am lol jk. But anyways like I said... here we are.

So, I made a list of things (social media wise) that I want to accomplish in 2019.
Anyways, here's my list :)

  1. I want our blog to hit 10k unique pageviews. (Last year we hit 3,609 unique pageviews)
  2. Obtain at least 3k followers on instagram (follow me because the follow to unfollow purge hit me and it has hit me super hard)
  3. Have more vsitors on the blog (last year we had 1,432)
  4. I want to get people to comment on my post. Whenever I go reply to comments it's usually a ghost town down there lol yesterday I even saw a tumble weed.
  5. Get at least 200 followers on twitter (follow me)
  6. I also want to start youtube. I think I'm funny so why not lol and I see so many people having fun on it and I'm like "I wanna have fun too"
  7. I want to get a new phone/camera to take nicer pictures for instagram & my blog
  8. Post more content that people enjoy

I know some of these things may seen out of reach for some but I know that with your guys help we can achieve those goals together ♡


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