
The Jonas Brothers Sucker song Review

Hey guys! Welcome back to my blog. Just in case you've been living on a rock and haven't heard the great news...

Good thing too cause we were burning up for new Jonas Brothers music lol get it??? Cause of that one song???? 

When I heard the news you better believe I was jumping up and down with joy. My little Jonas Brothers fan heart was beating at record speeds. When I saw the twitter moment about how they were coming back the biggest grin came across my face. Haha


After their 6 year long break the brothers are finally back in action. They released a new song (and music video) titled "Sucker" on March 1. Which spoiler alert... IT'S A BOP.

The song has a very upbeat melody and the lyrics are ya know lyrics you can dedicate to your significant other.

The pre chorus is really catchy and since the songs release I've caught myself singing it a couple times lol.

The lyrics are really simple and you can easily remember them this is probably why I like it so much hahaha. One of my favorite part is when they say that

"I'm a sucker for you
You say the word and I'll go anywhere blindly
I'm a sucker for you, yeah
Any road you take, you know that you'll find me"

I interpret this as that they are so in love with their significant other that they will go anywhere they will go. They will follow them even though things will go bad they will always be there with them. 

In another part in this song that says...

"I've been dancing on top of cars and stumbling out of bars
I follow you through the dark, can't get enough"

I interpret this part as them saying that before their significant other came into their lives they were out partying every night and just living life. Then when they met them they were the switch they needed in their lives and now they follow them everywhere because their love is just so good they can't get enough.

The song is really good and if I had a significant other I would dedicate this song to him. My only complaint about this song is that Kevin Jonas didn't sing in it. I think Kevin Jonas should sing more often in the band. Yes, I know he sings back up but I would like to hear him sing in their upcoming album (if they make one soon). Everyone wants to hear him sing more. I'm serious... if you have a twitter, go on and search "Kevin Jonas sing" and watch a bunch of tweets asking why Kevin Jonas doesn't sing.

He deserves to shine just as much as Joe & Nick (ya know singing wise).

Seriously tho, like I saw a tweet about how they did a little research and it turned out that Kevin Jonas has never sung (besides backup) in any of the Jonas Brothers albums. This made me really sad because people always exclude him from the group because he "doesn't sing". I know when people read this they're gonna be like... "umm excuse me, Kevin Jonas has sung before" and my answer to that is... I know didn't he sing in their show they had before? Called "Jonas" but I'm talking about having him sing on their albums.

I really hope this time they have him sing on a couple of songs. You know to prove some of the haters wrong. Because I was reading some tweets that said that the reason they don't let Kevin sing is because he "sucks" and that honestly made me feel kind of sad for him because his two younger brothers are getting all the spotlight and people just throw him to the side. They treat him like he doesn't belong there.


Ok, so lets move onto the music video to the song. The music video (which features the Jonas Wives (Danielle and Priyanka) and soon to be Jonas Wife (Sophie)) shows The Jonas Brothers and wives (I know Sophie and Joe aren't married yet but this makes it simpler for me) in a lavish castle type mansion. The castle type mansion reminded me of those castles they have in England.

Also, what makes me think they probably filmed the music video in England is that scene where they are all around a table in the garden with afternoon tea. Lastly, the corgis. The FREAKING CORGIS!

They have various costume changes throughout the music video. My favorite outfits the Jonas Brothers and wives wore were the really posh ones that made them all look like they were royalty.

I really loved how well made the music video was. The visuals of them being goofy and loving with their wives was everything. I really don't know what else to say really. The music video was very aesthetically pleasing and very well thought out.

What I also loved about this music video was that their wives were included. That to me signifies that they are back with a more mature version of themselves. I don't know but that's what I thought of when I first saw the music video... Well to be honest... I first noticed the wives almost half way through the video when Priyanka (Nick's wife) was riding the bike. I paused and was like wait... is that Priyanka? And it was lol. So I started the video again and was like "oh wow all the wives are here"

I really liked the fact though that their first music video back included their wives. I found that to be very cute. And like I said it was like "look at us were back with a more mature version of ourselves" I like that.

Also, I'm so excited for what's to come with the Jonas Brothers. My only complaint is that they should have Kevin sing more. I'm sure he has a really good voice and he just hides it by singing back up.

So that's pretty much it. I don't have anything bad to say really about the song or music video. They were both really well produced. I'm so excited that the Jonas Brothers are back and they're going to bring us more bops.

What did you think of the new Jonas Brothers song? Did you like it? What do you think about the Jonas Bothers comeback? Also, I want to know... what do you think about this Kevin Jonas not singing on tracks? Do you wish he sang more (not in the background) I want to hear all about it in the comments below.

Watch the Music Video: (here)
Sucker song lyrics: (here)
Stream/Download the song: (here)

*disclaimer: none of the pictures used in this blog post belong to the owner. All credit to the original owner of the images.


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