
I got bullied on Facebook by my whole High School (Story Time)

Hey guys! *sighs* ahhh High School. That word brings back memories doesn't it? High School.... whether they be good memories or bad. So today we are going to be talking about the time I got bullied on Facebook by my whole high school. Yep.

So before I get into the whole bullying story, I should give you guys a little back story to how my high school experience was and like you know stuff I saw during that.

Ok, well... I actually liked going to school. I know... I know... "ewww school" but I really liked it because I liked hanging out with my friends. (And we'll English class was pretty awesome too). What I didn't like about school is that people ditched. Like they would actually walk out of school, they did it sometimes around lunch time. Then they would sneak back when the gym classes would get back to school.

Another thing I didn't like is that people did drugs (listen I don't mind if you smoke pot... sometimes people need it but quick disclaimer none of the kids I talk about in the his post needed pot). Ok, so long story short... one time this one kid asked my biology teacher to go to the bathroom and when he came back he was like really out of it. His eyes were all read and he was like out out of it. I was like omg the teacher doesn't even notice this shit. Omg.

I was one of those people that didn't pick a fight with anyone. I didn't even let people know what I truly thought. I just kept that stuff to myself. Haha so anyways...

A few months after graduation someone added me to a {Name of HS) Class of 2010 facebook group. I was like "ok sounds fun"

I clicked on the group and started reading what people were posting. Some where posting some of their favorite high school memories, some pictures. Ect.

I was getting notification after notification.

So and so added blank blank to the group
Someone just posted a picture
So and so commented in a status.

I was reading some of these "memories" and they were SOOOO fake! They were like I loved going to school and hanging out with my friends. Loved the teachers. Blah blah blah blah blah.

Loads of BS all around that Facebook group. So you know what I did? I gathered up the courage and posted something in the group. I began to type... letting all the thoughts I had bottled up for years and years.... and then I hit send.

I don't remember exactly word for word about what I said but here's basically what I said. I said that everyone in the group was so freaking (I didnt say freaking) fake. I was like you all are posting saying how much you miss high school and how much you loved going. Then I said then why did so many of you ditch? Why did so many of you do drugs in school? Lol I even was like "I saw some of y'all in this group ditch and do drugs"

I unleashed all my bottled up emotions and just let everyone have it. (You know letting people know their "truths")

That's when the notifications kept on getting worse. Everyone was reading what I had posted and started attacking me. You guys know that scene in the movie Cyberbully? The one where Taylor Hillridge was on that website and was chatting to her whole school? And how they all were sending mean messages to her? That's how it felt.

They were all saying how I was so stupid... how I was ugly... how I was a "nerd" and how I should go "kill myself" they sent stupid crap honestly that I already blocked out of my memory lol.

So after I was done reading the "hate." (and I put hate in quotes because I knew they were all just mad because I held a mirror up to their face so they could see all their BS lol or maybe I just ruined their little mood). Anyways after that I posted one last message, despite everyone telling me to just leave the group.

This message said something like I was do done with everyone BS in the group and that I hoped people actually reflect on how they acted in high school and to not be fake. After all that I left the group.

I guess the moral of my story time is to not let hate get to you. I decided to just walk away from it and never look back. Don't let hate get to you because it's not worth your time.

So yeah this was just a mini story time about the time I was bullied on Facebook. But yeah like I said don't let people hate on you and if they do just try and brush it off (I know it's hard but you're a strong person and I believe you can do it) because hate isn't worth you stressing about it.

If you are being bullied please talk to someone. Don't go through this alone. It sucks, I know, trust me. But talking to someone can make things a lot better ♡


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