
How to get rid of a cold and sore throat

I am NOT a doctor. I am just going to tell you what me and my family does when we have a runny nose and a sore throat. Please contact your doctor before taking any kind of medication to make sure it's suitable for you :)

Hello, today I am going to show you how me and my family deal with colds and sore throats.
Like I said I am NOT a doctor so please contact your doctor before taking any kind of medication so you know it's suitable for you.

What my family does is that we buy Mucinex DM (or XL3... the blue box) and make Cinammon tea. Here's what the Mucinex box and XL3 box look like

These two are life savers! they really help when you're feeling really sick. You know the kind of sick that you can only breathe from in and out your mouth. I know gross lol. but these really do help.

ok, so before you take the medication you're going to need to make Cinnamon tea. To make cinnamon tea you're going to need the following...

  • Pot 
  • Water
  • mug
  • cinnamon sticks
  • Lime (or lemon)
  • Organic raw honey 

To make the cinnamon tea take the pot and fill it with a little bit of water. Not too much and not to little kind of like this...

Next add a little bit of the cinnamon stick as so and turn on the stove

wait for the water to boil... you will notice how the water is now a reddish color after it's been boiling for a while...

ok, so next what your going to want to do is add cold water to the pot and wait for it to boil more. After a while you should notice that the water is now a deep red color. This is how you know the tea is done so get your mug and pour it in. Be careful because it's hot.

After you've poured your tea into the mug you're going to want to get a spoon and pour some honey on it. When you've done that add it to the tea. Mix it up. 

Lastly, you're going to want to take your lime (or lemon) and cut it in half. When you've done that squeeze a little bit of the lime (or lemon) in the tea and mix. When you've done that now you can drink and enjoy.

This is the part where you take the medicine and drink the tea.
oh and you can even make the tea when your not sick haha it's really delicious... it's also really good without honey and the lime/lemon just add a little bit of sugar and that's it :)

Here's what it looks like without the honey and lime 

Here's another extra tip for when you have a really runny nose and flem. Ok, so I know the following thing I am going to say is probably going to sound gross, but get in the shower and run yourself a nice warm shower. Next, get in it and after a while when you're in there cough as much as you can to get the flem out or if you don't have flem.... blow your nose as hard as you can and continue to do so for a couple minutes.

I hope todays blog post was helpful to you and if it was please share it with friends
and I hope you feel better soon (just in case you're sick).

In the comments below I want to know what you do when you're sick? or you can let me know on my social medias. link to everything is on the right hand side bar. I am on my social medias every day and I would love to be friends with you 


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