
DIY Teddy Bear Phone Case

For the longest time I've always wanted this phone case...
Cute huh? But cases like these were pretty expensive (some were like $16) and I was like "why is it so expensive if it's just a stuffed bear and a phone case"

So I was like... "you know what? I'm gonna make my own"
*cue the DIY track by LaurDIY*

So for today's blog post I'm going to show you guys how you can create one of these for way way less. The total for my teddy bear phone case came up to $1.50. *cha ching*

For this tutorial you will need:

-Teddy bear that's the size of your phone.
-Glue gun with glue
-A small piece of fabric

First of all I want to state that this phone case is completely useless if you want to use the front camera. But if you want to and if your bear has a enough face space you can definitely cut a front camera hole.  This tutorial won't inclued that part because my bears face wasn't big enough.

Ok, so first step is to go to good will and get a stuffed bear that is the size of your phone. (If you already have a stuffed animal at home that's the size of your phone that's even better).

After that you're going to want to get a hard case for your phone. I got mines at the dollar store.
I don't think a silicone case would work since we're going to be using hot glue.

Now it's time for the actual DIY.
(I created this DIY a long time ago so please excuse the no acutal pictures showing you what I did. So please enjoy these drawings that will try to explain it to the best of my ability)

Take the bear and remove the back stitching...

Make sure you make a top and bottom cut so you can fit your phone case in. 

After you've done that.
Take out some fluff (not a lot) or push it to the sides. 

Next grab your fabric and hot glue gun and glue the opening shut. 

(You're probably thinking, why do I need a fabric? Why didn't I just place the phone case to shut the hole? well we did this because the phone case needed to be glued from the back and if we just glued it to the cotton it wouldn't stick properly)

Next step...

Here's what my finished product looked like :)

And since it's the holiday season this could be an awesome gift for someone on your list :)

So, thats it... I really hope this tutorial was helpful and the instructions were clear, if there's any part that wasn't clear please don't hesitate to let me know and I'll help you. If you liked it don't forget to share it or if you make one I'd love to see pictures. You can tag me on instagram or tweet them to me.
Please comment down below what other DIYs or blog post you'd like to see from me :)

Also, I forgot to mention lol this phone case is such a conversation starter. Haha everytime I have it on people are like "what is that let me see." Then they ask me if I made it.


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