
UPDATE: Where have I been?

Hey guys remember me? I just thought I'd owe you guys an explanation on why I haven't posted a new blog post in 4 months.

If you follow me on twitter you are probably aware of what I'm going through but if you don't I'm going to try and make it a long story short.

On December of last year I felt a lump on my body and me being me I decided to ignore it because it "would go away" but it did NOT go away so I went to the doctor and he suggested I go to the hospital to get studies done... well, I got those studies done and on February 21 I was diagnosed with cancer.

I cried so hard that day. I didn't even know I had it in me to cry that hard but I did. After what seemed like hours of me crying my eyes got so heavy so I took a nap. When I woke up I was like "Jessica snap out of this. WHY ARE YOU CRYING? The doctor didn't say you were going to die..."

Anyways, fast forward to April 1. On April 1st I was supposed to have the surgery that would remove the cancer from my body but when they took my heart rate my heart rate was through the roof (it was 140bpm) the doctors got scared and didn't want to do my surgery. They made me stay at the hospital so they can monitor my heart rate to make sure it was normal for me to have such a high heart rate. I stayed at the hospital for 4 days and they came to the conclusion that my heart rate is just naturally fast at times.

Ok, so fast forward some more and we are now at April 17. April 17 was the day I got the surgery to remove the cancer. They took some skin from my leg so they could close the part where I got the tumor that was removed. (They told me the tumor was 20cm).
Anyways, I couldn't walk and to make things even worst I was in massive pain in two different spots. It was a horror show.

Like I said in previous blog posts. I like being 100% honest on here so I'm not going to hide the fact that I cried when it was time to change my gauze and put on the required medication on my huge scar. I don't know why I cried but I was looking at myself in the mirror and I just started crying.

The remaining days in April were spent going back and forth to the hospital (sucks)

In May I had my very first appointment in physical therapy (May 4th to be exact). I needed to go to physical therapy because my doctors had been discussing that I may have to have radiation/possible chemo after. Since for radiation you need to have your hands behind your head, I needed to work on that. On May 11th was my 2nd week going to physical therapy (I go every Monday at 9am).

I'm not going to go into any details now about what kind of exercise I was given in therapy because that would make the post even more longer but if you guys would want to know let me know and I'll write about my experience going to physically therapy.

May 13 I received a phone call from one of the many doctors I've been seeing and he said that him and the other doctors have been discussing my case and they thought it would be best for me to get radiation and chemo therapy. Even though they got all the cancer from my body they wanted me to still get chemo because of possible micro cancer cells that could have been left behind. Apparently micro cancer cells are so small that they can't be seen with the exams.

He also suggested that I had a PET scan done. (I had a CT scan done before multiple times to be exact but this time they wanted a PET scan) a PET scan for those of you that are reading and don't know is where they scan your whole body and a CT scan is where they only scan the chest area.

Well, that's what has happened so far and I hope you guys can understand why I haven't been blogging for 4 months. I'm going to try and get back to the swing of things but if you don't see a blog post from me in a while you know the reason why. (Because I'm going in and out of the hospital because of the shitty cancer)

Also I almost forgot to mention it but by the time you're reading this it's been exactly one month since I got the surgery to remove my cancer and I've never been happier in my life. Im no longer in random intolerable pain that would come and go as it pleased. I don't want to say I'm cancer free just yet because I haven't had any of my radiation and chemo treatments done but after I finish my treatments (hopefully it's soon) I'm going to be officially cancer free :'). 

Ok, so now that I've told you what I've been up to... what have you guys been up to? Also, let me know what you'd like to see now that I'm kinda back. Write it in the comments below or tweet/instagram me (pinkraincloudd on both). I really like hearing from you :)


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