
How to deal with losing your hair to Cancer

Hey guys! so for today's blog post I wanted to share with you guys how I dealt with losing all my hair to cancer. Yes, I lost all my hair during my first chemo treatment. Sure, I was aware that my hair was going to fall out (they told me in the hospital) and I also knew that if you had chemo your hair was going to fall off. But it really hits you like a ton of bricks. 

So, a few days after my first chemo treatment I was like "I'm going to brush my hair" so I went to the bath room and started wetting my hair. As I put my hands through my hair I started pulling out fist full after fist full of hair. To be honest I kinda wanted to cry and I felt a lump in my throat but I didn't cry. Instead of looking at the negative in this scenario and crying about it I looked at the positive. The positive being that I could start buying and wearing wigs. 

If you're reading this and your hair is falling out don't worry about it. Your hair will grow back after your treatment is over and in the meantime you can change your look daily with different color/style wigs. You know you've always wanted to have extravagant color hair (blue,green,pink,purple) now is your chance lol.  

Also, guess what else you can do when your bald that no one else can do... If you get hot when you're wearing your wig you can just take off your hair and boom you can cool down in a flash. People who have hair can't do that. Like one time I was helping my mom in the kitchen and it was getting really hot. I had on one of my wigs (it's a straight wig with bangs and blue highlights). So I look at my mom and say "hey mom are you jealous that you can't do this" I reach up to my head and I pulled off my wig and I could instantly feel the cold breeze on my head and I started feeling less hot. 

Also, here's another positive to losing all your hair on your head... if your hair was damaged you are getting new hair after your treatment is over. I didn't have damaged hair but right now I can tell you when it starts to grow back it feels so soft. Like baby hair soft. 

Another positive about losing the hair on your head is that you don't have to comb your hair daily. I haven't combed my hair in like 6 or so months the only thing I do now is decide if I wanna wear a wig or not and if so what color. If I'm feeling lazy I just wear a hat. 

When you lose your hair because of the chemo your getting you know what else you can look forward to... not shaving. Yeah since all your hair falls off you have smooth legs, armpits, arms everything. Imagine not having to shave to get smooth skin. 

I would share pictures of my cancer journey with you guys. Like pictures of me bald and how my hair looks like now. But sadly there's people online who pretend they have cancer and steal other peoples pictures. I don't want this to happen to me so for my security I'm not sharing these pictures online. I hope you can understand. 

I just want to say one quick thing before I go... if you're currently fighting cancer and need a friend to talk to I'm here. I'm going through everything you are going through/or are going to go through so I can definitely help if you need a friend to talk to because I know cancer can be hard. Also, if you have any questions on wigs you can tell me and hopefully I can answer.


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