
What I would've added to the Kdrama Love Alarm

WARNING: This blog post will contain some spoilers about the Netflix Kdrama called "Love Alarm" 

Ok, so if you know me, you'd know that I LOVE to write stories so I wrote a tiny scene about what I would have wanted to happen between Gul-mi and Duk Gu. 

So you know how all Gul mi ever wanted was to become an idol right and get into the prestigious club everyone famous was going to because they had a lot of followers and hopefully meet the creator of Love Alarm. So she became an influencer to gain followers. 

Here's what I would have added to the kdrama... I would've given Duk Gu a make over and make him really handsome. Ok, so after that you remember how to get in you had to scan your phone at the entrance of the club?. Gul-mi finally has a bunch of followers so she goes and tries to get into the club. They have her scan her phone and the lady there says "I'm sorry but you don't have a lot of followers to enter" 

Gul-mi looks visibly upset and starts to get mad saying "don't you know who I am" after that we see foot steps of a man entering the club and it slowly see the camera start panning up. We don't see his face yet and when this "mystery" man gets up to the phone scanner thing it says "creator of love alarm" after he scans his phone, then the mystery man (who we all know is Duk Gu) looks Gul mi up and down and says "she's with me." Gulmi then turns to the right to see who it was and we get to see handsome Duk Gu. The lady who is at the door says "anything you say sir" and let's Gul-mi go inside the club. 

Duk Gu holds Gul-mi's hand and we see them both enter the club. Gul mi looks around the club taking in all the scenery. After we see them both sitting down at a table. Gul mi doesn't know that the creator of love alarm is Duk Gu so she doesn't recognize him. Especially since he had a makeover. 

Duk Gu then starts talking to Gul mi and he accidentally says her name... She then looks confused and says "how do you know my name?" Duk Gu then has that look on his face like crap I messed up but Gul-mi quickly says "ahhh so you've seen my work online" Duk Gu smiles and says "yes I'm a huge fan" Gul mi smiles back and they both start talking. She flirts with him and he flirts back. She still doesn't know it's Duk Gu nor does she know his name. She just knows she's talking to the creator of love alarm. 

After a few drinks we see Duk Gu and Gul-mi hitting it off still. Gul-mi then wants to get his number but then Duk Gu suddenly has to go. He gets up from the table and Gul-mi says "hey wait" but it's too late Duk Gu is already out the door. 

So yeah that's the small scene I would have added to love alarm instead of having Duk Gu jumping from the window. 

What would you guys have added to the kdrama? Let me know in the comments below or let me know on twitter. I love talking about kdramas so let's talk about them together on twitter. My social medias are all on the right hand side of this blog (if you're on desktop) if you're on mobile just keep scrolling down until you see the welcome bio. 


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