
Love Island USA The Drop Season 3 Episode 2 Recap

Hello everyone! Welcome to the second recap episode for Love Island USA The Drop. You can find the recap for episode 1 here. Again I don't know if I'm allowed to share images since this is airing on paramount+ so these type of recaps are only going to be words no pictures. I'll try to be as detailed as I possibly can. 

Ok, let's get this recap started:

  • The episode starts with the islanders sitting around the fire place clapping and passing a huge black box with a purple bow on it around. Music is playing in the background and if the box lands on you you have to open the box and do what ever the lid of the box tells you to do. Basically they're playing hot potatoe. 
  • The music stops and the box lands on Javonny. He opens the box and reads the lid... it says "to solve this" and it's a rubix cube attached. You can hear someone tell him to turn right turn right. They all laugh and you can hear Shannon say we're going to be here all night
  • The next box stops on Aimee. She opens the box and screams. Her lid says that her and all the members of the same sex as her have to make their best "O" face and who ever has the best O face after they vote will get a passionate kiss from any islander of their choice.
  • Forgot to say but the new girls are there too... Florita, Lei-Yen, Roxy
  • Shannon is first to make her best "O" face and she apologises to her dad. 
  • Order of "O" face 
-Lei Yen

The boys get up and huddle in a circle to vote for the best face. 
The boys pick Rocky as the winner. She looks surprised that she won

Rocky picks Jeremy to kiss. (Which I am laughing about cause in the previous challenge "the kissing booth" the girls said Jeremy was the worst kisser lmao)

  • They start passing the box again and this time it lands on Olivia. She opens up the box and it says that she has to go into the oposite genders dressing room grab one piece of clothing from the islander wear it... come back... do a run way walk and kiss a person you are not coupled up with. Olivia says that's a lot of work. Olivia brings Cash to help her. The islanders that stayed back laugh and joke about going to commercials and then Javonny suggest that they play sharades while they wait.
  • Javonny and Jeremy go to the bathroom. Olivia says to them wait what are you doing here? You don't want me to use your stuff? Cash tells them to leave that they can't be down here. They say they're going to the bathroom 
  • Jeremy says he wants to see the outfit and Cash tells him he can't because it should be a surprise. Jeremy says ok just don't wear this because I haven't worn it yet 
  • Jeremy stays behind because apparently he still needs to use the bathroom and Javonny is in there. He helps them by telling which closet is who's. Cash says ok just pretend you don't know anything when you get up there.
  • Olivia gets back and does her little run way walk and goes and kisses Jeremy 
  • They pass the box again and this time it falls on Trina. She has to go into the kitchen grab 5 apples and stack them and each time the stalk falls she has to passionately kiss an islander if her choice 
  • Shannon accompanies Trina to get the apples and she asks who is she going to kiss
  • They start stacking the apples and they fall. Trina says well it says to kiss an islander of her choice so it doesnt matter who she kisses and she goes and kisses Olivia 
  • They stack the apples again and they fall. Trina's next kiss is with Cinco.
  • Trina stalks the apples again and she gets 3 apples high and when she goes and puts the 4th one on the stack falls. The islander she kisses is Florita.
  • They pass the boxes again and this time the box lands on Cash. She has to pick an islander of her choice and show the them a different sex position on every bed. They all start walking to the bed rooms. Cash picks Isaiah for this. (There's 9 beds so they have to do it 9 times)
  • They pass the box again and this time it lands on Shannon. Shannon must grab the cup with the ping pong balls in the kitchen and throw the balls in the cup if she misses she has to kiss an islander of her choice 
  • Shannon throws the ball in the cup and misses... she goes and kisses Isaiah 
  • She does it again and misses and kisses Josh
  • They pass the box again and it lands on Roxy but she passed it to Trina and Trina looks like her face is saying ugh me again but everyone is all like no its Roxy.
  • Roxy opens the box and her box says she has to take the shirt off another islander without using her hands and shares a passionate kiss after. Roxy picks Isaiah for this. 

That's it for what you missed on love island usa the drop. Let me know what you think on my twitter and while you're there follow me so we can talk about love island all day everyday


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