
Love Island UK Season 7 Episode 16 + 17 Recap

Hello and welcome back to another Love Island UK recap post. Today we will be talking about what happened in tonight's episode (episode 16 + 17) as well as some predictions for the next episode. Ok... let's get this recap going.

Episode 16:

  • Faye talks to Kaz & Sharon about what happened in the terrace with Teddy. Faye tells them that Teddy told her that he likes that their conversation just flow and that he doesn't see his head getting turned right now.

  • Jake and Liberty & Toby and Chloe talk. Toby asks Jake and Liberty "how are you guys doing currently" Liberty says she doesn't like being open about her feels because of the past. They tell her it's a safe space between them 4. Liberty says she has gotten a little bit of feels 

  • Millie gets a text

  • They get into the hideaway and immediately they start making out. Millie shows him her sexy outfit.

  • In this scene we see Chloe being carried by Toby and Toby saying is this how I'm going to carry you into the hideaway

  • Liam tells the guys that he couldn't fart last night. Jake says you nervous that why? Liam laughs and says he was supposed to be sexy

  • Millie tells the girls what happened in the hideaway and how she wore a nurse outfit and gave Liam a massage

  • Jake and Toby talk about wanting to have a double date breakfast 

  • Sharon talks to Kaz about the possibility of her having feelings for Hugo. But not once ever has he told her that she sees her as more than a friend. She thinks he's fit and that she sees qualities in Hugo that Aaron didn't have and she likes that. She likes that her and Hugo can talk about everything 

  • Chloe and Toby & Liberty and Jake have their breakfast date

  • Lucinda gets a text about going on her first date with Brad.

  • Kaz plays match maker and pulls Hugo for a chat to ask about Sharon and to see if she may like her. He says he sees her as a friend

  • Kaz talks to Sharon about what Hugo said. She tells her he sees her as a friend.

  • Lucinda and Brad come back from their date and as usually they separate into their little boy girl groups and they talk about the date 

  • Liam gets a text and says that all the islanders must gather around the fire pit immediately 

  • Liberty gets a text about how the viewers have been voting for the couple that they think is the most compatible and those with the least amount of votes will be dumped 

  • Couples saved:
- Millie & Liam
- Liberty & Jake
- Kaz & Aaron (they made Toby read this LOL)
- Faye & Teddy

Kaz got a text and said that Toby & Chloe, Lucinda & Brad and Sharon & Hugo need to stand in front of the fire pit.

Chloe read the text that tells them that those 3 couples are have the least votes of being compatible 

Hugo gets a text and says that the couple with the fewest votes will have a big decision to make one of them will be dumpt from the island tonight. And they must decide among themselves who that is.

Faye gets a text about the couple with the fewest votes and that is: Lucinda and Brad

They all looked shocked and it ends...

Episode 17:

  • Lucinda and Brad go off to talk about what they plan to do

  • Brad tells Lucinda to stay that he's already had his time in here. For him staying in the villa is massive but he's not going to be selfish. Lucinda tells Brad that he can't go. She says to him are you sure? Then she says I think we should go together. Brad says it's completely up to you if you want to leave and see how things go in the outside. Lucinda doesn't want to stay because she says she knows she's not going to fancy anyone but him. 

  • Brad and Lucinda come back from making their decision. Brad says that Lucinda is going to be staying and he's going to be leaving. He gives Lucinda a kiss on the forehead and gives her a hug.

  • Everyone says good bye to Brad

  • Faye is angry because Brad said he'll go and he can go back to what he was doing before and he told Lucinda to stay because that would give her more opportunities. Faye says you don't come here for opportunities you come in here for love. 

  • Lucinda and Brad have one final chat and she says she wants to go too because she's not going to fancy anyone else as much as she does him. Brad says if anything I'll never forget you.

  • Brad leaves

  • Faye and Lucinda talk about Brad leaving and Lucinda keeps saying how she's never going to find someone like Brad that she fancys the pants off him. 

  • They're all talking about Brad

  • Chloe and Toby talk about how they were in the bottom three. Chloe tells Toby not to take it personal and Toby says because it's shit. Toby says it don't make sense and Chloe says I think it does cause the whole thing with Kaz people be ranging me and you already knew that. 

  • Chloe talks to Millie about what just happened with Toby. Calling him "fucking fake" Millie says if he knows he's got something good why does it matter what anyone else thinks 

  • Toby says in the beach hut that he and Chloe get along just like a house on fire. 

  • Toby and Kaz talk. Toby tells Kaz that maybe he dealed with their situation wrong. Kaz assures them that they're good. Basically in lamest words she said fuck what the public thinks me and you are good and if the public are still holding a grudge that's their problem 

  • Chloe talks to Toby tells him she's fuming and that she's livid. Toby asks why and she says because she feels he's being disingenuous. She says I don't know why you're so bothered about public vote and you made me feel like it was my fault

  • Millie comforts Lucinda. Tells her that this will be a good test that other boys can come in and she can compare that to Brad 

  • Faye gives Lucinda advice because she was crying. Tells her to think this as like she's on a girls holiday and Brad had to leave early because he's got work 

  • Kaz gets a text about todays challenge. Boys vs Girls. Who ever wins today's challenge gets a new islander of the opposite sex (if boys win a new girl comes in.... if girl win a new boy comes in)

  • They start the challenge 

  • Boys win this challenge 

  • The boys wait for the girl

  • New girl walks in (AJ)

I feel like the boys for sure are going to talk to her and stuff but the guy who's going to want to couple up with her is Hugo. 

That's it for tonights love island recap. Let me know what you think on my twitter and while you're there follow me so we can talk about love island all day everyday


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