
Love Island USA Season 3 Episode 6 Recap

Hello and welcome to another Love Island USA recap post. Today we will be talking about what happened in tonight's episode (episode 6) as well as some predictions for the next episode. Ok... let's get this recap going.

  • Will and Kyra talk about the challenge. Will says are you mad that I gave you a 9 instead of a 10. She says no and he says that he thought it was a new person coming in because the kiss felt different. Kyra tells Will that she's opening a lot more up for him so maybe that's why the kiss felt different 

  • Kyra tells Cash that she was definitely playing around last night. She was testing the waters to see how far she can go with him without getting too far. Cash says I was knocking on a door I shouldn't have been knocking on. Kyra says and the door was wood that's all I gotta sat

  • Josh, Shannon and Toby (a lizard they found) sit down for a chat. They talk about where each other's head is at. Josh says he realize

  • Trina interrupts Javonny and Cinco boxing to pull Cinco for a chat.

  • Trina and Cinco talk about where Cinco's mind is at. Cinco says he hasn't made up his mind yet and that he needs to think about who is best for him. Cinco says he's making his mind up tonight.

  • Aimee talks to Jeremy about the challenge. Says that they feel closer now. She says that she can see his efforts now 

  • New guy Isaiah talks to Will and Cinco and tells them that maybe he's not that into Shannon as he thought. He says Shannon is the type of girl he usually goes for but not once has she pulled him for a chat but she keeps saying she's interested in him. Isaiah says that him and Aimee have a good connection I think it could get stronger. Cinco let's him know that Aimee won't be chance after him that he has to make Aimee feel wanted. 

  • Kyra gets a text 

  • The boys have a "boys day" they go in the pool and go down the slide, play foot ball and work out

  • The girls arrive to their girls day out site 

  • The girls make leis and Kyra explains what they are and what they symbolizes.

  • Javonny gets a text 

  • The new girls arrive 

  • New girls walk into the villa and the boys are introducing themselves 

  • The girls spill some tea. They talk about Jeremy. Aimee says that Jeremy is up here *raises hand high* and Isaiah is here *raises hand same hight as where she placed Jeremy's hand* Aimee continues saying but Jeremy took a few days to get here and Isaiah's been here since day 1. Aimee gushes over Isaish and how he has beautiful eyes, hair & smile. The say who do you think is the most authentic guy there. They all say Will. The most sketch? They all say Josh but Shannon says I know where you're coming from I believe that too, but ever since he almost got sent home an energy shifted just a lil bit.

  • Back at the villa the guys talk to the new girls and ask her about what their type of guy is.

  • Cash tells the girls that she hates that Cinco has been getting so much crap and that the only reason the situation has been happening is because of her. Cash blames herself and says if she loses Cinco it's because of her not being able to open up to him.

  • Trina explains to Cash that she would never do something like this to a sister (take their man) and that the only reason she is going after Cinco is because she feels like he has feelings for her but he's scared to hurt someone in the process. 

  • Lei Yen talks to Cinco. Lei Yen tells Cinco she likes his vibe. Cinco tells her that he's open to getting to know other people and that he's open to talk to if she wants.

  • Korey talks to Florita. He says she's real beautiful and as soon as she walked in he wanted to know what she was about. Florita compliments his eyes and tells them how beautiful they are and that was the first thing she noticed when she walked in 

  • the girls come back and immediately they hear noise (the girls talking) so they go check it out

  • the girls finally decide to “get it over with” and they go greet the boys and new girls

  • Lei Yen quickly runs up and hugs Cash and says I’ve been dying to meet you

  • They have a little party to welcome the new girls

  • Florita gets a text about who America voted for her to go on a date with

  • Just seconds later Korey gets a text that lets him know the public voted for him to go on a date with Florita

  • Lei Yen gets a text about who she is going on a date with

  • The public picked Korey

  • Roxy gets a text about who she’s going on a date with

  • The public pick Korey again

  • They all go on a date at the same time

  • Cash and Cinco talk she tells him that she wants him to feel free to do his thing

  • Cinco tells Trina that he wants to focus on her

They said that for the next episode the new girls were going to pick who they wanted to see more of and it looks like Lei Yen might pick Cinco to go on a date. I AM READY FOR THIS DRAMA

Follow the new girls on instagram:

That's it for tonights love island recap. Let me know what you think on my twitter and while you're there follow me so we can talk about love island all day everyday


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