
My experience with the Covid vaccine booster shot

Hey everyone today I am writing about my experience with the Covid 19 Booster Shot. First I want to state that I am NOT a medical professional and anything I say on this post is strictly what I experience. Lastly, every body is different and can experience different things. 

Day of booster shot (11/20/21):

When I got the booster shot I honestly felt nothing. The needle went in and I was expecting to feel the liquid going in my body but I didn’t feel anything. 

a few hours after: I felt nothing at all but my parents who are both around 50ish said that their arm started to feel sore (like if someone punched them). 

11/21/21: I woke up and still felt nothing pain wise but I did wake up with a small kind of like a flat bump… I can only describe this as like you know when a mosquito bites you and then it feels like you have a bump. That’s how I felt but it wasn’t raised but flat. My dad had the same bump on his arm. My mom didn’t have anything. 

11/22/21: I woke up again feeling no pain at all. My parents both said their arm was still sore but not that much. My bump is already gone by now and so is my dads. 

11/23/21: I woke up again no pain and my parents told me that they also woke up with no pain in their arm. 

I encourage who ever is reading this to go get your booster shot if it’s been 6 months since your last vaccine. It’s quick and I don’t know about you but I rather have my arm hurt for a bit rather than being sick in the hospital for a while. 


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