

Hello everyone. First of all I wanted to address the reason why I haven’t posted in forever. My last post was on December 20, 2021 and after that I took a break to spend Christmas with my family. Sadly, on December 28, 2021. Three days after Christmas my poor fur baby passed away. I haven’t been the same since. 

I am still an emotional wreck. I miss my dog every single day. I wish I could hug & kiss her and give her all her favorite treats and hear her bark one last time. The grieving process is hard, there are days where I feel ok then there’s days where I cry myself to sleep because I miss my dog. 

I’m slowly going to come back to my blog and continue to write some post. I just felt like I should update you guys just in case you don’t follow me on social media and weren’t aware of what was happening in my life. 

Thank you so much for listening :)


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