
Letters to Cookie

Dear Cookie,

It's been 3 months since you passed away. I hope you're doing good in heaven because I miss you so much here on Earth. I wanted to let you know that actually went outside on March 5 (I went to Walmart). I got you some flowers and a 2 candles that day. I was going to get myself 2 chocolate bunnies but I decided to leave them behind so you can get 2 candles instead of one. 

I spent the only dollars I had left in my wallet but I don't care because it was for you and I love you so much. I can't buy you your favorite treats anymore but I can get you some flowers and candles so you can enjoy them in heaven.

I also want to share more great news with you. I got my test results back from my CT scan on March 7 and turns out I'm STILL cancer free :D. The doctors told me that I am still under observation and have 1 more scan to go before the CT scan appointment dates are further appart. I'm still going to the doctors a lot with sucks but like I told you before the doctors are their to help you when you feel bad and that it's for your own good so I can't complain. 

On March 16 I had to go pick up my brother from school and as I was driving to pick him up I was remembering how you used to accompany me and would bark at the wipers lol. Seeing all those dogs on my way to pick up my brother made me miss you so so much more then I already do. 

It was very hot and sunny this day which also reminded me of how much you liked to nap in the spots where the sunshine was. Everything reminds me of you and I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing at times because sometimes it makes me sad like it did this day.

I miss you so much <3 


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