
Letters to Cookie

Dear Cookie, 
It's been exactly 4 months today since you passed away. Your death has been really hard on me, but I'm trying as you probably already know. I don't like going out that much anymore and only go out if it's nessecary. 

On April 3rd my mom forced to go to the mall because it’s not healthy for me to stay at home a lot. I didn't like it of course. 

April 8: was cleaning the table where yout ashes are and wanted to see your paw print. So I opened the box where it was, touched it and cried. Opened up the bag with your leash was in and the last sweater you wore and it still smelled like you and it made me sad

April 9: a random cat I’ve never seen before came and “knocked” on our window. I liked to think it was possibly you. My brothers and I put our hand to the window and the cat put its paw with our hand. 

April 26: I was mopping and out of the corner of my eye I saw your shadow smelling the door. I like to think that maybe it was you again and that you came to Earth to be with us even if it was for a tiny bit. 

Today April 28 I have a doctors appointment. Yes, I am STILL going to the doctor. It sucks but hey what are we gonna do? 


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