
Letters to Cookie

Dear Cookie, 

It's been 6 months since you passed away and a lot has happened.

I was sick with Covid and had to isolate in my room for 10 days. I know you would've hated that I you couldn't come in my room for that many days. 

Speaking of my health, I have to go through surgery soon to get my thyroid removed because the doctors think I might have thyroid cancer. But don't worry they told me that thyroid cancer is nothing to worry about. They said people don't die from this, that it's not like breast cancer or the other cancers. 

You'll probably be happy to hear this... but when ever I talk about you now or look at your pictures or videos I don't get as sad anymore. I'm slowly accepting the fact that you're no longer with me. It still sucks because I have no one to talk to when my family members annoy me and I don't have any friends anymore. Do you remember my "friend" I had... yeah she STILL hasn't talked to me it's been almost 3 years since she hasn't talked to me. She stopped talking to me like I think a month after I told her I had cancer. 

She never found out I finished my cancer treatments... she never found out you passed away... she never found out I had covid...she never found out that I may possibly have cancer again. But when she and her mom were sick with Covid I would text her almost every day to check up on them and make sure they were ok. She changed ever since she got a boyfriend. 

Since it's almost the 4th of July, they have been lighting up some fireworks you would've been hating these days. I remember you disliked fireworks with a passion. 

Also, my brother's pet bird passed away. Can you please help him cross the rainbow bridge and help him not be lonely. 

I really miss you Cookie, but enough about me... how are you? how's life up in heaven? do you have any new friends? Have you seen my other grandma? (the mom of my mom). If you see her tell her my mom misses her. I hope up in heaven they are giving you lots of kisses and treats. If you ever feel lonely please come down to visit us. 


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