
Letters to Cookie

Dear Cookie, 

How are you my sweet baby. I can't believe that it's been this long since you passed away. I'm not going to lie, but I still get sad when I think about the day you passed away. But enough of the sad moments. I have some good news to share with you. 

I had a surgery on my neck to take out my thyroid. Well, long story short. I got my results back and guess what Cookie? I DON'T HAVE CANCER. Are you happy for me? 

Also, I want to thank you for sending me little signs that let's me know you're here with me. Even after all these months I still find your hair in the most random places. Like one time when we were in the car and just after my brother was like Cookie would've loved how windy it is today as the breeze came in from the window being down. 

I smile and say yeah remember how Cookie used to like putting her head out the window and eat the air? Then I look down at lap and one of your hairs was on my phone. I suddenly got chills cause like we were just talking about you and you were there sitting on my lap like always. It's just that I couldn't see or feel you. I don't know I just wanted to thank you because finding your little hairs still around makes me smile at times.

You know what else made me smile. On snapchat they reminded me that 6 years ago you stole my little piece of cake. Seeing that video made me smile so much. I hope you're doing fine up in heaven. Hope when we finally meet again you remember me cause I'm sure I'll be so wrinkly lol. Until next time Cookie. I love you and miss you so much. 


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