
Letters to Cookie

Dear Cookie,

It's been 10 months since you were called to cross the rainbow bridge. 

The other day my dad was watching back old videos on his phone. Videos of the last time we went to Mexico as a family. Then I heard you. Your little high pitched bark and I was weak. I wanted to cry right then and there. Especially since my dad kept repeating the part when we crossed the bridge that said "welcome to (place where my parents are from)". 

I held back my tears and until I couldn't do it anymore. I had to go to my room to control myself. Your absence still makes me sad believe it or not. You made so many memories here that every little thing reminds me of you. Anytime it's sunny I get reminded of you. Or like when my mom had me making the chicken into tiny pices. I remember pulling strands of chicken and when my mom wasn't looking I would feed it to you. 

I remember looking at you and making the "shhh" motion so I could continue to sneakily feed you tiny strands of chicken. 

It's almost going to be Halloween. Remember when we used to dress up together? Now I have no one to do that with. I miss you. I hope you know how happy you made me all these years. What I wouldn't give to have you in my life again.

Sending you loads of kisses and hugs up to heaven. 

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