
Letters to Cookie

Dear Cookie, 

Hi, it's me. It's been 11 months since you were called up to heaven. 

I saw this video last month that said before the day of the dead pets come back to Earth to visit their families. That day I sat on the sofa with my leg crossed. The same way you used to like it when I sat. I know this may sound crazy. Or maybe I just miss you so much. But I felt your presence. 

I felt my leg get tired. The same way it used to get tired when you would sit with me. I know that was you. You came back to see us. 

Nov 14:

Dear Cookie,

It's almost my birthday. It's my first birthday that I spend without you. I am always going to charish my last birthday that we spent together. Thank you 

Nov 16:

Dear Cookie,

It snowed yesterday. You would've loved that. 

Nov: 23

Dear Cookie, 

It's almost thanksgiving. Remember when I used to give you a little bit of chicken that day and mix it in your food so you also ate your Thanksgiving dinner with us. You used to be so happy when we would say if you wanted chicken. Anways, I have news for you. I went to the doctor today and they told me that my left breast has a couple masses on it. 

The doctor said that I have to get an MRI scan because since I have a history with cancer. They want to make sure that the masses the ultrasound/mammogram found aren't cancer. 

I hope that I don't have cancer again. Having cancer was the worst thing that can happen. I won't even wish having cancer on my worst enemy. It sucks so much. Anyways, I hope you're doing well up in heaven. I miss you so much. 


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