
Letters to Cookie

Dear Cookie, 

It's been a year since you crossed the rainbow bridge

Christmas this year was rough. This was my first Christmas without you. I think Christmas is going to be kinda rough for me because I'm always going to remember how you passed away 3 days later. 

So much has happened since you've been gone. We moved. You would've loved our new house. You would've finally had your own yard and don't even get me started on the heater. You would've loved to have your bed near the vent. 

Also, I'm sure you're already aware, but your boyfriend. Remember the corgi you used to like playing with. The one near our old house? He sadly passed away. But I'm sure both of you found each other up in heaven. 

As for me, my health has been good. I have a doctors appointment in late January to see if those "lumps" on the left breast are good or bad. Hopefully it's nothing bad because I don't want to have to go through chemotherapy again. That was the worst! 

My godmother, she also has a dog. Asked me if I had already gotten over your death. Of course I said no. I know it's been a year. But I still miss you and talk about you like you're still here. I know she probably is like it's been a year why can't she get over it. But she's gonna understand one day. Losing your best friend and not seeing or hearing them everyday does make you feel sad.

Sending you a bunch of hugs and kisses to heaven. I hope you're doing well up there, please come visit your family any time you want. We all miss you </3 


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